
Just think...  I own nearly a fifth of the world’s cars.

$20 says that flag pole was probably used to fly a bigly trump flag. 

I think that our friends in the government are being overlooked.

Harley Davidson CEO. Do nothing, wait five years, collect golden parachute, pass the poison chalice to the next person. Actually, that is most CEOs, but HD in particular is just marking time until the brand collapses and they can blame the demographic for not spending more on them.

Which is us

Jalopnik writers.

Is Polaris in legal trouble for stealing Toyota’s Ugly Stick?

TMI, man

But still the worst thing about this is that Gillette is a fucking patent troll that should be boycotted out of existence.

Hence the lead in of “passenger car”

That us car people get all of our knowledge from internet slideshows.

Most answers to this prompt are going to be dumb, but sunroof is spot on.

Reversing cameras and parking sensors, are they overrated?

It's because everything in this article is based on subjective findings.  And as such is quite easy to spin in one direction.  Obviously the spin was only ever going to go one way. 

There will never be enough breadsticks to fill that hole in your heart, no matter how many baskets they bring you.

This is the same speech you gave when you dumped me. That was a really awkward trip to Olive Garden.

It’s amazing that the article and video had literally one point to make, and you still managed to miss it completely.

Automatically formats your Ad into all caps.

FIRST GEAR: Fuck Elon. He doesn’t have to like the guys questioning him, nor is he required to. They’re doing their job. The fact that he brings up people’s backgrounds and insults them only shows what a Trump-like turd he is. Anyone remember his “pedophile” comments?

The second you use the term “SJW” you turn off the entire audience except those who already agree with you tell us that you’re a fucking asshole who should be ignored on all accounts.