
Black folk that are still down for Biden, just tell me why. That’s all I want to know. Why?

Now playing

Say what you want about Party All The Time but it’s a better song than Boogie in Your Butt:

You are completely ignoring how state and local elections have the power to affect change on the federal level from the inside and how state and local elections are sometimes more important than federal elections, but go off.

Because the three largest Southern states had razor-thin single-digit margins for the Republicans and maybe, just maybe, if you judgemental pricks got off your high horses for a second and provided some support beyond tut-tutting they’d flip blue and then we’d never have to worry about the Democrats losing a

I know you’re a troll, but this is stupid and disingenuous even for you.

I get angry every time I read about this story.  This was wrong, the school district knows this was bullshit.  I hope he sues them.

“She’s a half-breed with a heart of gold.”

Wow. That’s pathetic even for Fox News.

I hope he sues the living shit out of this school. The idea that telling someone not to call you a name is a fireable offense if the most idiotic thing I have ever heard and they are not qualified to teach brine shrimp much less children.

Cher tells unjustly fired school guard: I got you, babe” would also score the points.

“I love scotch.”

Conservatives RN:

He’s riding your mother like Seabiscuit. That’s where Hunter is.

some jounro nobody likes couldn’t get above 100 likes constitutes Bernie supporters “going after” Pressley?

All that said, I both curse the racism by Adell and still recognize that most of these “pastors” are preaching the prosperity gospel, which is a lie from the pit of hell. There is something fitting about a bunch of hucksters being played by an even bigger huckster.

Actually, the main critique I’ve seen here is even lower than that kind of lowbrow critique; it’s basically: “Did you see how he was dressed? What did he think would happen?”

Where’s the lie?

so a few people have asked for my opinion about the actions of the judge and bailiff, and I didn’t say anything about them because i assumed the take on them was obvious.

anyway, there’s the 35 word answer: i have difficulty imagining a black person convicted of murder getting hugged and his hair braided by agents of

Is this a troll?