*sees picture*
One of these researchers, we shall call him Chadwick
While all of these scenarios are possible, the simplest answer is usually the most likely. It is possible that Donald Trump is just like you, me and the American people.
Well BLM was founded by three black women so if they want to use the term ‘herstory’ to emphasize that fact, then cool. I don’t see anything on there saying that men can’t be a part of BLM, only an acknowledgement that the straight cisgender male leadership of black liberation movements often left women and others out…
I would have been surprised by anything but this waffling response.
Maybe white indifference. “Things are fine for me, it’s not MY problem...”
She only started dispensing this asswhooping after trying to pull away and he wouldn’t let go. He brought this on himself.
Is Mayweather still all that great?
*not going to stand a chance >_<
Anyone that’s not a professional boxer getting into a boxing match with the best boxer alive is probably not going stand a chance.
I would keep it a secret from every person I knew for as long as possible. Which would be easy as I have little desire to live differently than how I do now (though I guess that’s easy to say when I know that I don’t have over a billion dollars coming to me).
I’m from that state and I like the fact that it’s one of the few states where you aren’t required to disclose your identity to the public in order to claim the prize.
Dumb people like big simple solutions.
I find it weird how a triple amputee veteran would be such a big fan of Cadet Bone Spurs.
Uh, yeah. I try my best to be one on a daily basis.
I live in the buckle of the Bible Belt but I have yet to see one. I have met Trump supporters, just never seen the hat.
If white people in general would mind their own damn business the state of the world would improve markedly.
In the very article you link:
Then there was Steve Bannon, who looks like a legit walking corpse.