
She IS a real person with feelings. Real racist feelings.

To me being blocked by Donald Trump on Twitter seems like it should be a point of pride.

I am so glad my father’s mac and cheese consists only of two categories of ingredients: mac and cheese. The mac being elbow macaroni and the cheese being cheddar, parmesan and ricotta. There might be some butter and salt in there, I don’t know, we usually let him handle the cooking. But you can be damn sure there

Don’t know if anyone in my family was in the Klan but my grandmother’s stepdad (and thank God for that ‘step’ right there because I wouldn’t want to be related to that asshole) was one of the primary instigators of a high-profile lynching case in my state. And if I can keep from using racial slurs, then I know Stephen

Just like Richard Spencer, she made her bed, now she can sleep in it.

Kwame has finally had enough of this shit. The other Planeteers need to get off their asses.

Have any of these guys simply said, “I am sorry, I have some issues to work out,” instead of claiming not to be racist?

I (white) went to Chuck E. Cheese many times as a kid in the 90s. I was a bit hipster about it though because I would readily tell you “It was better when it was Showbiz. Down with the rat! He killed Billy Bob!” Even though everything aside from the animatronics was the same.

Oh man, I loved the hell out of Discovery Zone! Had two birthday parties there. At that time I felt I had “outgrown” Chuck E. Cheese.

Your son has the courage of his convictions. He is so much better than these pasty moral guardians who are sent into conniptions by quiet acts of protest and nonconfirmity.

In this context, 24 years is not a long time.

...the difference between WTF and WWJD.

Good idea.

This fails the Tinker test. Regardless of his intent wearing that flag is disruptive and creates a hostile environment.

This is THE most starred comment I have ever seen in my time looking at Kinja sites.

Then they must not watch the news much lately.

Well, we’re having a conversation about racism that happened at a Starbucks, so...

Maybe they ought to pelt him with tacos? If Nazis can get punched, nativists can get smacked with a food item of whatever ethnicity they just disparaged.