My gut feeling now is that if they had taken the time to think about it, they would have known it was wrong. But did they? No idea and I don’t think it matters anyway because they still did it.
My gut feeling now is that if they had taken the time to think about it, they would have known it was wrong. But did they? No idea and I don’t think it matters anyway because they still did it.
I don’t want to try and excuse them. If it looked like I was I’m sorry. My own gut feeling is that if they really thought about what they were about to do they would have realized that it was cringey and racist. But they didn’t.
Well yeah, it is still super easy for white people to reach adulthood and know jack shit about other cultures aside from broad stereotypes.
My guess is spending most of their lives insulated from non-white people, whether by circumstance, culture or choice. Not to say that growing up or living in a diverse environment means you never make mistakes or hold problematic beliefs when it comes to race matters, but it makes it easier to avoid them.
It’s a decent apology but they should have known better in the first place.
Every time I see something like this there is a voice inside my head yelling “Can you imagine the shitstorm if Barack Obama did this?!”
But has he told more lies than he’s played rounds of golf while in office?
In a statement, Beck called the incident “not only disrespectful” to the office of police chief
I would have said the cops were in the right if they had, immediately after seeing that Siyonbola was a Yale student living at that dorm, issued the white student a citation for making a frivolous call to campus security, and apologized to Siyonbola for having to put up with this indignity.
I had no idea that James Baldwin was not considered a genius.
This is about the cops and their ability to harass a certain subset of the population and meet their arrest quotas with as little effort as possible.
I’m sure there are a ton of people who wouldn’t mind owning a well behaved German Shepherd. Hell if I had a yard to keep one in I’d like one.
The time has most likely already passed. Star Wars has influenced so many things (not trying to say that it didn’t borrow plenty of stuff itself) that if one sees it as an adult, it will have no impact, because one will already have picked up all the beats from other works. It’s very hard to become a new Star Wars fan…
When was the last time you heard someone refer to the cops as the “popo”?
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Mature Gambino.
That’s nice I guess. But this guy better not run in 2020.