Imperator Grrriosa

I can’t recommend Get in Trouble by Kelly Link enough. It’s a glorious collection of short stories that are super spooky, but in a way that’s odd and very charming. My book club read it more than a year ago, and we all still talk about it frequently.

Ugh, it sucks that the Sex Roles article isn’t open access. From the methods section:

I’ve had this gif bookmarked for like three years, because Bronn is so hot and so delightful.

My book-loving science friends and I have talked about this! For me, it’s not a problem — I watch and love all kinds of stuff. Especially science fiction, where someone has created a lovely works that obviously operates on different principles than ours. It’s just fun to compare and contrast our reality with pretend

Haha, that sounds hypothetically super obnoxious. There were more meth questions earlier too, and I’m not equipped to answer them well — I’ll need to find an expert!

That’s a great idea for an article — I’ll pitch it at our next meeting because it sounds like it would be good to account for multiple different movie tastes. Thank you for being so incredibly helpful and saying such kind things about the blog!

Thank you for all of these — they’re all super interesting questions, and they all have a lot of ethics tied up in the science (or vice versa). I’ll be sure to respond here and credit you when we answer any of them! And thanks for the podcast encouragement — I’m super nervous/excited about it.

Wonderful — thank you so much for the extra info. I’m interested in this to the point that I might do a full feature on it instead of addressing it in the questions segment, but I’ll be sure to reply to you with whatever I find out!

Hey, we actually have a series on our blog about representations of science in TV/movies/books! And highlighting scientists of color is a great suggestion that we’ll be sure to implement (especially since the University of Colorado is particularly homogeneous in a way that needs addressing/rectifying). I think it

I hadn’t heard about that, and it’s a super interesting question! Thank you so much!

P.s. who knew not commenting for like two years would get you put back in the grays? :(

Hey you guys! I’m a biochemistry PhD student who’s involved in a science writing blog. We’re trying to start an associated science podcast, and I need a bit of help.

It’s all part of the curse.

It hasn’t been a thing for like 6-7 years! :( But that means it’s extra ready for a triumphant return.

Remember the days of peak cable, when TLC did Friday Bride Day and Travel Channel marathoned The Dead Files on Fridays? You could just switch back and forth between SSTTD and some oddly affirming ghost hunting for hours. It was glorious.

Well, she’s perfectly made up and it’s a really lovely picture of her except for the picturesque mascara smear so you know she’s a mess. Being cheated on really sucks, and I hope she has friends who are taking good care of her. But the picture is sooooo postured — it makes me affectionately remember my own calculated

I love this comment. It’s so whimsically depressing — very Dolorous Edd.

Since Linda Carter is so slender, they padded the bloomers to make her look more hourglass-y. But from some angles it just looks like a diaper.

Ha! My roommate and I would always make fun of how he was The Wolf of God (I know Lupus Dei is a mythological thing, but it sounds so stupid in English) by saying it all the time in conversation like it was a revelation, and saying “woof” instead of “wolf.”

Rob Schwartzman, the romantic lead from Princess Diaries and lead singer of actual band Rooney, came to Oklahoma for some reason and ate dinner at the restaurant where I was a hostess. I was not working that night, but my roommates were, so sometimes I tell the story as if I was there. :(