Imperator Curiosa

“Let me begin by explaining that despite this obviously put-on accent and attitude, I am in fact the most genuine person you will meet.

I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.

My favorite from Philly which had NO media coverage.

Yes! Same here for the great state of Indiana. I was a little concerned since this is the spawning site of satan’s anal fissure Mike Pence, but I was completely overwhelmed by the respect and diversity displayed by speakers and attendees. We had a state representative, a trans man, two Latinas who shared the same

i get the snark, but really, for women of faith, this is a huge deal to them. Right or wrong, they feel like they’ve sinned and need forgiveness. This is a good thing. This is one of those moments where we can step out of our bubble a little bit and understand the progress that this is for faithful Catholics.

Don’t you know that military honors, like Judaism, are inherited from the mother’s side?

Also speaking as a hat I am incredibly offended/pissed off/embarrassed about this whole ordeal.

When Stern runs for president?

The Economist’s new cover:

First they came for the clowns, and I didn’t speak up, because I’m a mime, and mimes don’t break character for no fucking krazy klownz.

Plus who’s going to speak up for a mime when they don’t speak up for anyone else?

Actually first they came for the mimes but everyone was pretty okay with that.

All I know is, anyone who puts on a scary clown outfit nowadays had some pretty big shoes to fill.

They came first for the clowns, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a clown...

Almost as heartwrenching as the video of when Varys got his first Ken doll.

You might be me at Into the Woods. I didn’t audibly sing but I lipsynced along and sobbed. A lot. The little girl behind me asked her mother if I was OK.