daryl bowden

You’re really gonna argue that Tesla = the Fyre Festival and also one of the most influential auto makers of the 21st century? The second Tesla sold a single car, they’d already delivered infinitely more than the Fyre Festival.

You’re right. I remember seeing one for sale for $90K but now that I check again, that must’ve been an outlier.

The first post was incorrect. While the pilot was rather experienced, the co-pilot had just 200 hours of total time. He was basically an intern.

It doesn’t even need to be tied to age.

“it has a Camry engine”

The arrest was made after Jones tried to flee from IGC Agents Clyde, Pinky, Blinky, and Inky.

It wasn’t as much cheating as it was trying to eat the roulette ball.

+2 legit

Fun fact: “The Touching is, To Me, Off Limits,” was the original title of MC Hammer’s 1990 breakthrough single. 

Jimenez was a passenger in a car that lost control on the highway and struck a guardrail.

He was initially charged with reckless driving but after review it was determined the guy wasn’t set and the call was reversed. 

not a good start for bernie’s campaign 

He doesn’t owe us an explanation.

I think Jackson Browne, James Taylor, Linda Ronstadt and Nina Simone are all major contributors to music and musical history. Even I don’t love all their music, I recognize their significance and contribution.

I think this this drive represents less that they suddenly got hot, and more the type of offense the Patriots would have gone to if they had wound up in a shootout. The Patriots played conservative all night up until this drive.

It may seem like Kyrie is contradicting himself but it’s like the old saying goes, “There’s two sides to every planet.”

Now those are some hot dogs!

I can’t believe Chris does not understand Instagram to the point where he thinks a Lebron James comment (from his verified account) on an Anthony Davis post would not be the number one comment, right at the top, and perhaps even promoted so that it is the only comment visible under the caption of the post without

If self tampering were even possible, it is beyond dumb for the Pelicans to make this complaint.  They still have to work with Anthony and as a power play, its incredibly impotent and gives them zero leverage.  If I was Anthony, I would be incredibly petty about what teams I would resign with now, to the point where I

Logitech makes a nice little shifter you can put in your electric car so you can pretend.