daryl bowden

Exactly - the 911's real secret weapon are those unusable to adult rear seats. I never though much of them and really wished I’d taken the option to delete them until I went to my first PCA meet and saw 50% of the 911s present with child seats in the back. It allows the 911 to be the only real sports car for families

Exactly. My Dad who is 61 has NOW come into serious money where he can afford almost any vehicle between an Accord to a F-Type. A decade ago even an Accord was a big deal. Not everyone wants to spend 80% of their paycheques on a fancy car in their 30s and 40s but that 80% becomes about 30% when you have money saved up

Exactly, I don’t understand why people have such a hard time understanding this... All these old guys driving them, have literally been wanting one for 20+ years but were waiting for their kids to leave the house before the could pull the trigger.

I was lucky enough to have a c7 in my late 20s before my son was born

Eh, you can bet your ass his attorneys told him multiple times, and in writing to cover their own ass from malpractice. He was informed, knew the risks, rolled the dice, and got his Pyrrhic victory.

“Brothers, I tell you that Jesus is calling. He’s calling for you to send me money to replace my ABS module! Can you hear the call?”

Here is the story. Dude (Victim) had a double barreled sawed off shotgun at a party in St Paul. Someone told him “That is going to get someone killed” at the party and someone gave him a ride over near my Apartment in Little Canada approx Midnight. He fired off the shotgun in the parking lot. 2 Cops with 1 K9 unit

tariffs on U.S. agricultural products, but also whiskey and Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

More stars man...more stars

1+ 13 years is unfair comparison.

on the other hand a 2.8 rs motor in a 914 was very fast and competitive.

“Ey, my man, you like REAL hip-hop?”
-AJ McCarron outside a gas station

Why is that fat Steelers fan wearing Bengals gear?

A thousand stars for the hat story and Barry Boudini

One day when I was a young lad driving along with my older brother I asked him why there was a key hole next to lever thing (gear stick). He said, “If you turn the key the car will start flying.” Anything like keys and red buttons have to get pushed just so I can silence the voice that tells me cars will suddenly

I think you nailed it there. It really is annoying they are taking a really good car and making it a different, maybe really good car. 

ha.... damnit i need to learn to spellcheck

Truly spoken like a man who’s never lit a $400 cigar with a flaming $100 bill.

Oddly enough, the same amount will buy you FCA.

Original Mighty Ducks of Anaheim enthusiast.

Like a ‘90s nylon tracksuit jacket