most likely.... but let me have my little moment before reality browbeats me back into misery :p
most likely.... but let me have my little moment before reality browbeats me back into misery :p
Keeping the 991 is the right call lol
It was also air-gapped. :)
Going to a Ford Fusion any day is a harsh dose of reality.
I have to admit that it’s one of the prettiest Mercedes I’ve seen in recent years. Even if it does seem inspired by the Genesis Coupe :)
Oh now you did it, you invoked A/B testing and 2FA!! Let me tell you something, in my day we didn’t do no A/B testing, or multi-variant testing if you want to get sophisticated. No, we did double blind testing with lasers tracking the eyes and movements of the users. And we hooked em up to galvanic skin response…
I made this mistake too last time I was in Japan. You need to make sure that they’re not just giving you Wagyu steel and calling it Kobe.
At least the paint didn’t get ruined.
I think it’s unfair to put this out there without proper context. People may not be aware of all the details behind the decision. You see, the Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals.
A coworker just microwaved grocery store sushi cause raw fish grossed him out. Fuck this country. I quit.
trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.
Hey, I was just submitting the interior... Well, it’s also a kinda cute car, but yeah. I wasn’t submitting that goofy-ass Stromberg setup or Lucas electronics...
TBH, there were already a lot of ways to compare Ty Cobb to the tweets of a lot of these people.
And with that kind of attitude, you never will. Now, get out there, and break a few spines.
I’m willing to bet most of these people who disapprove of your opinion on the matter, Jason, are those who don’t live somewhere it gets cold enough.
the other chair did not put its keys in the fishbowl
My kids love that movie.
He keeps saying “off-road,” but what he means specifically is “rock crawling.” IFS is extremely capable “off-road.”
I’m 99% sure Amazon doesn’t buy the cars. They rent or borrow them and pay a lot of money for insurance and tires.