daryl bowden

I’m a Pats fan and I don’t deny that they cheated during the whole spygate era and they got away almost scot free. I think deflate gate was some BS, but I understand that the other owners wanted a piece of the Pats’ hide because they’re still (rightfully) pissed about spygate.

Way to take it too far and fuck it up. You’re the reason we can’t have nice things in this country.

You might want to re-read my comment, specifically the part about “(not at this insane price but that’s another story) “

I have to kind of disagree. If you want this car as an investment piece then this is the one for you. You just need to know going in you will be replacing rubber items and doing an engine teardown, etc. Almost zero wear on original interior parts, pristine paints, panels, etc - those are unobtainable on a car that has

Duh all you need is some pinball machine parts.

Marina Del Rey?

That article is over twelve years old, when Hummers were actually ubiquitous. Might want to try to find something slightly more timely.

I’d much prefer more of the leadfeet and fewer of the hypermilers in the wrong lane.

Probably not harassed just laughed at for buying such an ugly, useless car. Funnily enough, while I don’t see the H2s anymore, I still see a decent number of H1s driving around.

That’s a pretty tiny sample size of 1. There’s a reason that they rank lowest in every reliability survey from owners and mechanics alike and apparently it’s not because of your car, good for you.

Well what you’ve built is an attic fan, and while they’re useful for lowering the temperature of the attic, they aren’t nearly as useful for actually lowering the home’s temperature.

It’s like Single White Female except they’re in love with a pasty man who does yard work in cargo shorts.

They’re great at being what they’re supposed to be - grand tourers. Of course it doesn’t handle, neither does an S63 but it sure goes fast enough and with more comfort than should be expected in a vehicle of its type.

Nah dude. Geo. Tracker. In purple. With teal graphics.

It had popups in the early years. They were killed off in the refresh.

This feature already exists, it’s called “eyesight.” If you don’t have it, driving probably isn’t for you. (I’m looking at you Stevie Wonder).

I’m gonna guess you’re not entirely familiar with Hollywood these days but it’s nearly impossible to get anything that isn’t a superhero movie into theaters anymore. The world has changed massively since the first “Faster” move came out. Nowadays the directors, producers and writers who would’ve done that have moved

I’m looking forward to it, I just kinda wish it was being made now. The last few years weren’t nearly as good as this year is shaping up to be (unless you’re the head of HRC I suppose). Glad to see Brad involved in it though, he’s been a MotoGP fan and ambassador for years and anything that can help get it seen by the

If I was ordering a new one from the factory for my first one, yes. But, I am a mild purist so if my first Ferrari happened to be blue or yellow, I would keep it that color.

I’m lucky enough that I can afford to buy most any car I would want. But, if I were on a budget, I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up this or any Kia really. I travel a decent amount for work and I always try to get a Kia instead of the Ford/Chevy option.