Every current Mercedes that isn’t an AMG has an electronic column shifter. And it’s much smaller and looks much better.
Every current Mercedes that isn’t an AMG has an electronic column shifter. And it’s much smaller and looks much better.
This is all true. However, I just got back from my yearly rhizotomy, one of many procedures I undergo each year to try and lessen the pain I live with daily.
Filming from a Suburban and not an MDX? For shame Jerry!
They are all upping their game, you're correct. But Chevy is implying that joe blow walks into a Malibu and thinks they just got into a BMW. My point being that while the Chevy is less shitty than it used to be, it still has a LONG way to go to live up to that advertising spot.
That's the funny thing - a modern Kia would blow that Chevy out of the water.
Yay made up numbers!
I was trying to find this ad on youtube since I saw it on air for the first time. All I could think about while watching it was how painfully obvious it was that none of these people had ever sat inside a BMW or a Mercedes or anything else built outside of Michigan.
They are gorgeous cars (I actually prefer them to the 300 myself) and slightly underpowered but no more underpowered than the 356s of the day though. It's not bad to drive, it's just not going to win any races. If you were gonna cruise up PCH all day, this car would be perfect.
But it hasn’t gone anywhere has it? And it’s still far and away the largest in the US and has been for decades. Until that stops being the case, you have no leg to stand on. But go ahead, try and do some actual research instead of just making up facts that support your “fragile economy” theory, then maybe someone will…
Yeah, you obviously know nothing so thanks for playing. Maybe you’ve heard of Silicon Valley? Or the fact that CA is the largest agricultural economy in the USA? Hollywood is a TINY part of the CA economy overall. Maybe you should actually research something even just a tiny bit before you type.
Yeah that sounds about right. The most recent data I have seen is from 2012 I think and certainly the multiple dotcom booms have helped California’s cause ever since the decline of Hollywood revenue. I just find it to be fascinating because the states that are largely takers are what we would refer to as “red states,”…
Btw, if you actually have a fencing company called “Nimby Fence Co,” I salute you as a great American cause that has me laughing my ass off.
Hmm not sure where you got those numbers from, but the sources I’ve seen show the opposite to be true. You general premise is correct though. Most of the states in the union owe a debt of gratitude to the minority of the states that fund their lifestyles: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archi…
Yeah, I was being a bit hyperbolic in my post (see other reply for better example), but basically there are a handful of states that are giving FAR more than they are taking while the majority are taking far more than they are giving. Essentially, much of the south and the midwest would be beyond bankrupt if it…
I can’t remember the exact reasoning but it has something to do with federal employees being paid by the same funds that the states citizens are paying and so it had to be counted in order to not be double-counted in effect. Been a while since I read deeper into it though.
I’m not shocked at all frankly. VW is fucked from all sides.
I don’t disagree, but you have to remember that central CA has the biggest agricultural economy in the country. They are what requires the water to be trucked in (they use 80% of our supply), not the residents of SoCal or anything. So if you were to cut that off, you would have the residual effects of increases in…
Sure thing. To be clear, it’s not just CA, there are other high-income states, but here are the sources to help you understand. The short takeaway is that many states are going bankrupt supporting the others through the distribution of federal taxes and other payments to the federal government. If you are…
It’s not wasting water, it’s just a desert that doesn’t have water. Much like AZ for that matter. But like anything else in life, with enough money, you can buy anything- as CA does with water.