
I’ve gotten a few ads for this place on Instagram. Most of the stuff is directed towards women who love to put big things in their trunk. 

It was Carrot Top and that mofo does not look human.

Agreed- we were a Grand Ole Opry family and Saturday night was regularly filled with Porter Waggoner gossip I didn’t place at the time. I had the fortune of seeing Dolly live a few years back and while everything she does has this sense of intimacy to it, this song just blew it out of the water to the point where the

He was less hideous before the botox/ surgery and steroids.

To be fair, I would also have assumed there was a demon on the plane. In my entire life, I have never understood how Carrot Top became a comedian. He’s absolutely hideous and he’s not funny at all.

Wait, are you serious?  I first saw that video over last weekend and I couldn’t understand what or who she was referring to and it drove me a little crazy not being able to get her context.  If it’s true that she had that reaction to seeing Carrot Top (and he was in the back of the plain?) that just freaking

Why does he have Vulcan eyebrows?

The Ridgely/Michael friendship shone brightly through everything they did. Their devotion to each other underscored the character of both musicians and amplified their likability as pop stars.

Not a theory. A fact. That’s why I posted pictures of the pedophile pimp at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. Neither party does a thing to put abusers like Bill in jail. That is a fact. Don’t care what evil fake feminists like you say when you lie to protect abusers. Ignore reality all you want but you can’t protect Bill

I am so sick of this QAnon turd, his grifter buddy, and the “conservative media” pushing propaganda. The kids actually in danger of being trafficked are kids these jackasses would cross the street to avoid. Let’s talk about why queer and trans teens are statistically more likely to be homeless - and how that leads

Ford GT!!!!!!!!


...That Lexus is out of place

“A study out of Rhode Island hospital in 2012 found that the urge to urinate while driving can be as distracting and dangerous as driving drunk.”


No it is called public interest and you were interested enough to comment on it

If I’m in a car crash that serious then I guarantee both bladder and bowel will be freshly emptied already. Unlike my pants.

‘72 Brubaker Box

tight turns on this thing? lol