
If I had a nickel for every time the inside of my skull got X-Rayed by an oncoming Acura MDX...

Shut it down, we’re done here. 

Build it and they will come

Why is the Chicken Tax still a thing? Can’t we find any legislators smart enough to repeal it?

Eh, the new slicers are automatic, actually. lol

What, did she think that it was an LSU mascot or something? Auburn? Maybe Bama college football fans get Tigger Triggered.

Frankly if I see a solo woman hitchhiker I would not stop, because I would suspect it’s some kind of trap.

You choose to stop at Taco Bell for dinner, I’m paying you in gas whether you like it or not. 

Southerner with complete agreement on AC. If you can’t fix THIS...

I live in the South. Non-Working A/C is an instant ND for me.

Also this:


May we please have free advertising about a nontroversy to promote our brand, please?”

Someone call Garth Brooks. 

For somebody who likes cars, I haven’t owned a lot of them because I hate the buying process—dealing with dealers. They do it multiple times a day. I do it once or twice a decade. Who do you think navigates this better? My current vehicles are 8 and 15-years old.

And to be fair, you can smell Great Dane farts in the Mystery machine. 

54 comments in and I find it interesting that there is no mention of:

It’s a lacquer and not paint, and maybe it wouldn’t work so well with fewer metal parts, but specraflame!

None. Like pagers of the 90's, it’s time for some see-through acrylics. There’s no hiding from the “intimate encounters” between you and your partner on the highway when everyone can see your business from every angle...