
Having implants and/or wearing a padded bra doesn’t make your body public policy, but standing in Times Square on NYE in nothing but said bra while mugging for the camera kind of makes it fair game to comment? I mean, no, she didn’t explicitly give consent, but she didn’t seem bothered in the least.

I’m less annoyed by the coupling and more annoyed by the fact that Gwen seems to be one of these people who completely absorb all of their new SO’s style/hobbies/persona. Kinda like when Madonna married Guy Ritchie and started speaking with that awful faux British accent (actually, Madonna has done this a lot now that

I’m pretty sure the word you’re looking for is “tenets”, not “tenants”...though you would be a “tenant” in one of those apartments (or any rental, for that matter). So “tenants of the American Dream” still applies.

Thing is, if they are actually using Valrhona, Mast bars shouldn’t taste bad. I love Valrhona. It’s good chocolate.* Not waxy or gritty at all. If they aren’t making their chocolate, I doubt they are using Vlarhona. So, what are they using?

Someone is very good at reading articles.

She’s probably insured for the theft. In which case she’s laughing because she just made $200,000 where she might not have made nearly that much otherwise.

It’s a good example of how these kinds of attitudes are stoked even among the “less fortunate” groups, as @rusholmeruffian points out above - the last-to-the-top-pulls-up-the-ladder thing. A slav/southern European still gets to look down at South Americans.

Ooooooouuuuuuuuuuch. -_-

To be clear, my love, I am not going to bat for Brad Pitt here, cute as he may be... I am going to bat for the English language. Words mean things! News at 11!

I agree. The knee jerk reaction to “privilege” can be complicated, but really all he meant was that his kids have benefitted and that’s true. I am guilty of that selfsame response and upon being “schooled” I admit that I was wrongly harsh.

That’s no excuse for the article using the word migrant, repeatedly, as though that’s what he actually said, which he did not, in fact, say.

They really don’t. But if you Google “Migratory” and “Worker”(for what ever it’s worth) all the results refer back to “migrant worker”. I think it’s the combo. Yes, they travel, but the use of the word “work” would seem to indicate that the location and the job (and the travel pattern) were firmly aligned (unlike

Migrant and migratory do not, like... mean the same thing?

It sounds like this was a profoundly fucked up relationship from all angles.

Her legs are awesome.

I think what people appreciate is that she’s making it sound like a manageable situation. She said she hasn’t had a terrible reaction to being in menopause, which is a nice change from ENJOY SUFFERING WHILE YOU TRANSITION FROM VALUABLE PERSON TO WORTHLESS OLD CRONE, as the media tells us. It would be great if the

Oh god. Way too much Eastern European man in love with himself and way too little French Bulldog singing.

Somehow I think this show coupled with that man’s face will spur “Fur Trading” to become a naughty euphemism.