It wasn’t a secret vote, and was the first of several votes needed to actually end the ACA.
It wasn’t a secret vote, and was the first of several votes needed to actually end the ACA.
This is what happens after three decades of systematic defunding of the education system. Americans are now braindead enough that they can’t even chew gum and taste it at the same time.
If the US crumbles enough, maybe it will break up into separate countries so people can have more local control over their economies. (And at least you could get rid of gerrymandering that way.) You’re in for a rough ride, but the long term outcome could be better than you would otherwise get.
Good luck.
I still don’t think it’s going to be happening. The US government regardless of whether the Democrats or Republicans are in charge likes messing with other countries’ sovereignty too much which they get to do with impunity as a permanent member of the security council. It is extraordinarily unlikely they would give…
AFAICT it never even made it out of committee in 2015, when the House was already redder than a baboon’s ass.
It only has one sponsor and six co-sponsors. I doubt any of them care enough to try to push it. But we’re in anything can happen land, so we should keep an eye on it.
While this certainly fits with the nationalist tone of our new administation, I just want to be “that guy” and point out that this exact same bill has been introduced to every new Congress for the last 20 years. We all need to be alert, but this may not be the harbinger of doom that it appears to be at first glance.
This bill has been introduced to every new congress for over 20 years. It will not pass. Carry on folks.
The incoming Administration is poorly thought out.
You know that those sanctions shut down the 500 BILLION dollar oil deal between Russia and Exxon right? Of course you didn’t because you’re a dipshit.
*** No country or society or form of government is perfect. Mine certainly is not. But holy fuck, in one breath Americans are constantly screaming that they are the number 1 democracy, have the most freedom for its people, is the greatest nation in the world - and in the next breath proving otherwise.
A con man is now President. That was just the beginning of the chicanery that the American people are about to be subjected to.
YES...I did the same, haven’t looked back.
Delete it. Seriously. Deleting my FB account a couple of weeks after the election was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Or, it will be the case that overturns Roe v Wade.
If I had kids, I definitely would not be down with my partner or family members spanking or “lightly spanking” them. Even with dogs, I believe that physical punishment belittles the intelligence kids/pets/etc. have to process their own bad behavior. Tell or show a kid what they did wrong, why it was bad, and what the…
From my limited understanding of this case she didn’t shoot him while he was threatening or attacking her so stand your ground wouldn’t in general apply (though I don’t know all versions of the law) as it requires an active aggressor.