

Or maybe it was meant as a joke. Jesus...

Dial. It. Back. Lady.

No attitude here. Like I said, if you aren’t intimately familiar with what goes into such an affair - it would be reasonable to assume that the preservation of everything at the plant, and the documentation, would be a big leg up towards restarting production. Even pencil pushers/decision makers have repeated that

Railgun battleships!

“As the Dispatch notes, only a third of American women are employed by companies that offer any maternity leave, leaving the majority of women uncovered by the current Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).”

I don’t hate Terri Gross, but I feel she is over-rated, to say the least.

How else would they get clicks?

The worst part is that for every day that goes by where a clear and plausible strategy is not established, it will be much tougher for the next Commander-in-Chief to do so.

Yes. The demand of perfection that a lot of modern progressives have is getting tiring. That used to be the domain of conservatives and more nuanced, sophisticated thought for us liberals. Not so anymore.

Advance note: Not a lawyer here, so I fully accept that my take might not be perfect from that perspective.-

you are 100% positive in calling someone a rapist based on 5 words posted in public . . . uhm . . . wow!!! your delusions/ignorance/fragility is simply astounding. Shouldn’t you be heading back to your “safe space” now? I think you’ve embarrassed yourself enough here.

That is incorrect.

Stikk 2 sprots

nitro = nitromethane, the awesome liquid fuel NHRA sucks-and-blows by the gallons per run in their 10,000 HP beasts

Okay I feel horrible for the families of the people who were killed in this accident. But is anyone else really really really hoping that this airliner was shot down by a Russian supplied SAM(however unlikely it may be)? I can’t even imagine how Putin would try and explain that to his country.

any chance it’s a TDi?

People who post comments on social media that are someone elses stolen ideas are the worst people, I’ve come to find...

People say this sort of thing and it completely perplexed me. What bothers you about it? You wish you were a teenager?

It was around the third picture when I was able to finally achieve orgasm.