
Not all Trump supporters are racist bigots or whatever label the left likes to apply, just like not all Hillary supporters are hateful socialists who place race cards when they lose an argument.

No. Trump scares us, because he abuses unknowingly the same philosophical/psychological mechanism all totalitarian parties have used to gain power. People do not compare Trump to Hitler, because they think Trump will start a holocaust. They compare Trump to Hitler, because Trump uses the same kind of tactics Hitler

I have seen so many YouTube videos of redneck Trump supporters screaming racist and anti-Muslim shit at Indian dudes (particularly Sikhs wearing turbans).

I’m sorry you have to deal with that.

Star for the Grandma’s Boy reference!

it’s possible that Trump wouldn’t concede until this happened, just to prove a point.

Another whitey checking in here. Also afraid of group think mentality. Whatever happens on November 7th, stay safe :)

As a lilly white rational Caucasian I can tell you we are too.

I figure there will be something crazy happen in some hick town somewhere

As a ginger person who has never been called much of anything by rabid assholes, I am equally afraid. Your concerns are well founded, and I hope you stay safe!

I fear the white, die-hard Trump supporter (or supporters) that have been whipped into a frenzy in this election rioting after he loses.

Because I am white, I don’t fear as much for my safety. But, my wife is half-black and our daughter is quarter. It is thier safety that I fear for, along with my friends and

yeah, totally possible, though I’d like to think that at best, that’s a fringe movement from either side and without any military backing, they wouldn’t get terribly far.

They were kicking around a random data fact this morning about how 45% of the country was prepared to not accept the results. While that theoretically wouldn’t interfere with the process, I could totally picture at least one side showing up to the inauguration, the white house, etc. and try to force their way in like

Stealing this from YouTube to get stars here.

That looked more like “all black people look alike” joke.

He’s probably the single most frightening thing that the drivers around him see on a given day. Constantly in fear of when the slow crazy-man on his bike bails while they’re all on ice and the driver knows that a car just won’t stop in time so they drive super slow giving as wide a berth as possible... Except for the

Yeah, when I saw the pic, I thought the reveal was going to be “LOL I actually mean Ben Carson!” Somehow she managed to give an answer even more stupid...

10-1 she has no idea that she’s talking to Ben Carson in that photo.


Honey? Have you seen my key to the Internet?... It's a card... It has a little gold thing thing on it. Someone wrote on it in Sharpie... I don't know why they wrote on it... Yes, that does seem like an odd thing to do. Please, honey, focus. Have you seen it? It's importa... No, I'm not being short with you....