
Yes there is already one available if you root your tablet/phone. Sixaxis controller in the market.

"the ability to cut zip ties via friction."

I know what you mean. I still have unlimited data on Verizon but I don't go through a huge amount of data so I think for me. I'd have to see where I'm at as far as data goes when it's time to jump ship to see if it's worth it.

This doesn't affect me much because I use Netflix mostly to just watch old shows. For everything else there's 1channel. (=

I have Plex installed on the Revue and Sony's BluRay player. A few things:

I have the same concerns about the next Nexus coming to Verizon. Especially how Verizon handled the release of the phone.

I have 2 Revues and 1 Sony BluRay player. Overall I'm happy with my devices but the two main things I'm looking for from GTV.

I have both and I have to say. The Revue's keyboard absolutely blows Sony's away. In fact, I hooked up my Revue keyboard to my Sony unit to get away from that horrible keyboard. It looses some of the functionality but I think it's well worth it.

This I did not know. I always hear good things about vinyl records and was always curious about them. I just haven't taken the dive yet. Having a digital download included with a record really makes me want to give it a go.

A note on this. I've seen people get sent to collections over situations like this. If you sign up for a trial and don't cancel, your account with the merchant may keep accumulating a balance. They'll have proof that you signed up for a trial, didn't cancel and skipped out on the bill by not having a good credit card

How did I not know about this sorcery!?

I tried this when my brother picked up a Galaxy Nexus. No matter who I talked to they would not add the unlimited hotspot to the phone because he wasn't on an unlimited plan. I tried a few times and failed each time. I was told by the CSR that they could get in huge trouble if they added an unlimited hotspot play to a

I see what you're saying but there's no option to let the market decide. We're stuck in a contract for two years. I called Verizon and I was told I couldn't cancel my contract because of the fee. This was before I heard they were backing out of it.

I'm in the same boat. I pay my bills the day I get paid, I don't want to risk having a payment come out the day before I get paid just because it was the day of the month Verizon has set up to take my payment out.

"It costs Verizon for online bill pay."

I like this alot but when I look at the dimensions it looks like my current surge protectors won't work with this. What a bummer!

I have to agree with everyone else's comments. They only changed their minds because they got bad press. It reminds me of Bank of America's recent debit card charge. They too changed their minds after there was back lash.

I'm sure Verizon would find a way to start charging you for a paper bill instead of their e-bill option. It's a lose lose fight. \=

"written clipart"

When people ask me how I manage my money this is what I tell them. (Note: This might not be the best route but it’s worked for me. YMMV)