He isn’t. He’s just speaking (commenting) authoritatively.
He isn’t. He’s just speaking (commenting) authoritatively.
Thank you. Was starting to think I was the only one. Anyone who pays for this shit got cheated but also deserved it.
he sounds like he talks with a kazoo
Nah man they’re putting it on bowser and making some kind of trans-bowser princess thing. I’m ashamed that I know this.
Fuck You, Chelios
I hope he sucks so he never gets endorsements. If I have to listen to this guy talk through his nose every 15 seconds during every football season because some shit brand like Papa Johns needs a new mascot I swear I will just end it all.
But Damn it’s a great place if you just want some ass pictures. It’s stupid, but I guess I can’t complain.
All I never see now are mostly naked women and dogs doing funny things.
Who in the hell asked for a Wiz Khalifa Xbox ???
Yeah me too lol
You searching for pics without the clothes ?
You don’t give a shit if he’s sexist or not. You’re just a shit-level troll.
Yeah and until the whole thing came down it wasn’t like he was constantly suspected of suspicious activity or violence. Things seemed normal right up until the police were ready to make an arrest.
So if someone shot at you and you returned fire you would be escalating the situation? Maybe google “escalation” before commenting next time.
Also, way to necro a thread because you got your feelings hurt in a completely different thread where you were stanning for Drake lol
Lol. responding one last time to point out that you read through my comment history and were also too butthurt to stop yourself from resurrecting dead threads just to talk shit to me. How embarrassing. If you’re mad enough to browse my entire comment history at least try to pretend I didn’t get to you.
Duke nukem did that. Was a perfect character to have kick the shit out of a puzzle and blow up a door, but no. Steam pipe puzzle. Honestly just fuck puzzles in action games in general.
i think you’re protesting a little to much, but okay.
It’s not a fistfight. You aren’t in danger. You don’t have to respond because someone releases a diss track. Go stan for drake somewhere else.
Nice bait. The poor guy gonna write you three novels in response lol