
And they only won 65 games and the #1 seed by 7 games! Fuckin’ suckers.

complain about the name all you want, but the system has very clear conditions it it meant to work under, while being supervised, anyone purchasing this car is told this by the car, the manual, Tesla, ect... if you want to argue about it not existing then just as well crusie control should not exist because one day


It would appear that the joke went right over your head...

I think socially, as the article states, it highly depends on the relationship. Work-wise though, the whole ‘taboo’ thing irritates the hell out of me. There’s a good Adam Ruins Everything episode about it. Discussing what you make with coworkers does not create a hostile work environment. It’s the superiors that it

Legally intoxicated? Two doubles puts a 180 pound man close to a BAC that would make them unable to drive legally... is that what you mean?

Buuuuuuuut... It’s not like you’re driving. I think you’d have to be pretty far gone to raise suspicions at the gate.

so Oscar Isaac and Charlie Hunnam were on that beach and all you are posting are photos of this bloated dude ?

But did he lead off with Whoa Black Betty?

TO BE PEDANTIC, I didn’t write that Bridgewater missed three years. But by the time the 2018 season starts, it will have been nearly three years since his last meaningful snap.

I know it’s super crazy difficult and I know I can’t do it, but the thought of “throwing a 56 pound weight over a 20 foot tall object” sounds easy to me. One of those things where I hear it and think, “I CAN DO THAT” when there is no way I could do that. Like eating a 7 pound steak.

I’ve heard plenty of fluent Caucasians speak Spanish before - but none with the ease and fluidity he had. You can tell he is able to think in Spanish - he’s not doing translations in his head as he’s processing a conversation. That’s what makes the difference. 

Do they sell those in the states?

And before that, when you’re trying to carefully pull open the inner plastic bag and it pops open and rips halfway down the side of it.

Just be careful which kind of modest you’re talking here. Modest rural backgrounds are OK. Modest urban backgrounds will be asked to try WR.

The cereal one needs a second half where the entire damn box comes pouring out at once after a mild shake.

The point is that a lot of kids who will never be professional or elite college football players, pick football at an early age, even when they could be relatively better at soccer, given their size or other talents. For plenty of kids out there, they chose between soccer and football, and the other sports you mention

My solution would be to have the first baseman wear a catcher’s uniform.

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

My whole life the suggestion from the factory has been 5,000 miles. Anything else seems weird.