
I admit that I haven’t watched the TikTok, but you absolutely can poach eggs in the microwave. Lifehacker posted about it:

I don’t see it really at all in the first LX, but I sort of do in the refresh. Still, the production car is so upright and boxy, it gives off an entirely different vibe to me.

But this virus doesn’t really cull POOR people, it culls mainly OLD people - which puts rich fucks right in the crosshairs as they also tend to be towards the older end of the spectrum. And smokers get hit by a one-two punch, since this virus attacks the lungs, so old, rich, cigar-puffers better watch the fuck out.

Coming soon: how to use a chip clip to keep your baby wipes from drying out.

Well, at least one guy didn’t.

Or, in his last 6 months alive, medical bills eat up all the money he saved over his lifetime, like they do for most Americans.

Gravity finally gets its sweet revenge on Newton. 

What no report EVER covers is the service’s search function and organization.

The Chase Freedom card, for example, offers 3% cash back on all purchases (for your first $20,000 of spending)“

I believe a simple way to fix the whole issue is to have the driver post up their own pricing and have the passengers choose from the list of nearby drivers by pricing like u would do on eBay or Amazon or booking a hotel.

The golden ring of hell.

Not really.

it said it “may” never reach profitability, meaning it might go out of business before it ever makes a profit. This article is misrepresentative, as typical of this site that is basically a fake news propaganda site against everything america stands for.

The motorcycle would not have been coming in from the bike lane. A motorcycle owns its own lane and is far quicker than the cars around it. Should not compare the bike to the motorcycle..

If it was pre-rookie scale era then I’d agree. But at the end of the day he’s a 5'9" QB. There is no guarantee any QB taken in the draft is going to be good or even great, let a lone one with his size. If the pro-NFL argument is that he’d be an All Pro QB vs. an average MLB player, then an argument for the opposite

Kap deserves better.

Shoot, I’m the opposite.  I AM listening and somehow I still eff it up.

You sir, are playing the most dangerous game. Maybe try this free climbing thing--you know, something less apt to get you dead.

Pinnacle of human achievement? Meh, you’ve never seen me repeat back exactly what my wife just told me even though I am clearly not listening.

That’s like equating our cell phones to tin cans and string.