
Did he actually just slip or did he just try to ram it in on purpose and pretend it was a slip? Those are two totally distinct situations. It's not okay to try to force anal sex on a partner and then pretend it was a mistake when it doesn't pan out Yeah, things can slip, but any man who would fake a slip to take a

They said the same thing about the blacks and the gays. So far the military has managed to shake it off and keep right on killing.

Has this dude ever heard of the Red Army?


2 days before Valentine's day, we're sitting at our local bar and somehow get onto a conversation that basically goes like this "you make me miserable." "omg! you make me miserable too!" "want to go to Red Lobster? I have a gift certificate." "YES." Then we went to Red Lobster for our 'breakup dinner' and ordered the

Going up, my parents were were divorced and never communicated directly. I got bounced back and forth between them a lot. Always based on what my mom needed. Fuck my social life or grades or stability. If being a parent started to get too hard, she'd ship me off to live with my grandmother or father. She'd get lonely,

He took it as further proof of my demonic origin.

My freshman year of college, I made the mistake of dating a very serious born-again Christian. (I was raised both Catholic and Unitarian Universalist, I'm not sure what he was doing in the relationship either.)

One day I overheard a girl yelling at a boy on the (pay)phone with the same name as my boyfriend. Being a one stoplight town, I was curious and asked her his last name. Turns out, she was yelling at her/my boyfriend. We hitchhiked to his house (with a super creepy dude) and upon knocking on the door, discovered he was

Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for they are poopy and swift to bite.


I miss cargo pants. I really loved those ones with the zippers at various length, so you could make 'em into shorts or capris at will. Remember those?

I still wear these....function over form, right? I'll just escort myself to to fashion Hell. Sorry.

Remember back in the glory days of the 1990s when men and women alike wore huge cargo pants with pockets all over the fucking place? Pockets on the arse, on the hips, on the knees. You didn't need a carry-on when flying because you had fucking pockets everywhere.

One of the most frustrating things about the lack of pockets in women's clothing is having to stand in the long-ass line outside of all sporting events and shows so that someone can look into your purse with a flashlight.

YES! Would we write an article about penile surgery referring to it as a "peepee"?!? I absolutely abhor the word "womb" and if I never see it on Jezebel again, I will be the happiest owner of a UTERUS ever.

Yes, correct anatomical terms please! To me, "womb" is one of those words like "panties" or "moist." Haaate it and it makes my skin crawl for no apparent reason.

Why aren't they calling this a "uterus"?

“womb” is not an anatomical term! they mean uterus, right? i never know what they mean!