
Can’t really judge demand just by those that are vocal on the internet. The minority is usually the loudest. And who knows if most of them are actually going to follow through buy buying the game when it’s out.

What the fuck am I even supposed to be looking at?

No. I would rather they keep exploring new worlds and new ideas, keep things continually fresh.

Because it’s a Twitch record for games?

Here’s some cats from Three Panel Soul to make up for it:

Done. I call it a scroll wheel.

Ryu has worked out so much he developed 2 tiny mini muscles on his pecs.

You think the people writing for Kotaku don’t get paid, or that they don’t have to have standards just because the user isn’t paying them directly? OK.

“ towering monsters we’d like to see possible* come to the game in the future”

Jerome3000, we’d like to issue a formal apology for forcing you to read about video games. We’re sorry we put you in a diaper and spanked you until you could name all the Overwatch heroes. Truly sorry.

There’s this handy feature on your mouse called a “scroll wheel” that can be used to move past things you don’t give a shit about. You appear to have used the “left click” button instead, and that’s why you’re here reading about something you don’t care about.

This is like the most harmless way of cheating if it’s even cheating at all. He’s not using any outside software or hardware to gain competitive advantage. The only downside to what he is doing is that it could hurt his teams performance.


Is spending money cheating? Seems just as fair to me.

It doesn’t say they’re illegal.

You can tell this person had this comment prepared and ready for whatever article had a hint of relevance. No matter the subject.

I don’t see anything in this article about these characters being undocumented. Do you have info about this game that wasn’t included in this piece? Or do you just see the word “immigrant” and jump right to “illegal?”

Yeah, but Kirk, have you tried the MIDA Multi-Tool?

I don’t get citations for driving 100+ in Forza. Nor do I have to pay for damage from racing other cars. Also, premium is expensive, yo. lol