

There are real human beings behind every project that hits (or fails to hit) the big screen. If a moviegoer is dissatisfied with the final product, that’s fine and well (and I have made my disgust with this most recent release of GitS known volubly in multiple quarters), but that doesn’t mean the people who

Because a shitty final product invalidates all the great work that did come out of it. Got it!

No, it’s fine to praise good work and effort. It’s people behind the work, and they deserve to hear it.

So, should he, as a commentator (of sorts) on gaming in various terms, simply NOT comment on something that could be seen as kind of unethical business because he had more important things to deal with prior to this? I’m not sure I see the problem, regardless of any personal opinions you or I have about TB.

Man good on Gearbox for turning this around. Now either G2A does what they’re asked, and Gearbox are the good guys making a difference, or they don’t, and Gearbox are the guys shining a light on their shady practices and at least put an effort at fixing them.

Trump? Abusing his power? Say it ain’t so.

It means that they report on piracy. The whole point of journalism is to reach people with relevant information, whether your “support” it or not.

Does anyone else find it irritating that the dude repeats the same phrase at the beginning and end of each clip?

Stick and stones may break my bones, but words have a 15% chance of a critical hit.

Finally! My trolling skills can now be used as a weapon.

Ah, good ol’ Dacia 1310... You could fix most of its problems with a wire (and there were lots of them) or replace the broken fan belt with a stocking. You just had to remember to blow into the spark plugs once in a while. Those things got blown more often than Nintendo cartridges...

Blizzard if you went to all the trouble of designing Dva’s adorably deadly MEKA and never give us an statue or action figure I will never, ever forgive you.

I went Liara and stayed faithful but damn was Garrus tempting. In Andromeda I miiiiiight already, before ever putting the game in the drive, be seriously considering the lady Turian with the Asari on the side because I’m a horrible space slut and shut up I’m the Pathfinder and this is just... Exploring...

What about those of us that want to fuck a Krogan? Or a Salarian?

It’s like a WoW quest-giver is directing this movie.

Also, Roar Uthaug is an awesome name.

Exactly. Growing up we used the pass as my parents on worked for the airline. Had to dress in nice attire.

Agreed with the edit. My family worked for Northwest and we flew using the pass and we were expected to wear nice attire.

“Now this is an exciting development ladies and gentlemen! Rob Zacny on team Samsung Ultimate has just hired a half dozen mercenary cannons - a controversial move due to their high upkeep cost! Does he have a trick up his sleeve?