Immanuel I Just Kant

[Chugs a beer]

I’m for eliminating taxpayer subsidized sporting leagues at all level. Let people pay for their own entertainment. I love baseball but people shouldn’t have to pay for it if they don’t care about it.

The solution is to remove any restrictions on international signings, but keep in place the luxury cap penalties. Anybody can spend anything that their hearts desire, but they’re going to pay up in luxury tax penalties.

The MLBPA has shown time and time again it simply does not care about amateur or international players. Frankly, both the salary cap and draft in all professional sports should be eliminated. Everyone becomes a free agent.

“Anytime you hear, “The last person to do this was Barry Bonds,” it’s time to bow down.”

Damn proud to be an Oakland resident tonight. Damn proud.

West Coast, Best Coast.

We won’t fight alongside you or for you. But we’ll yell about what we imagine you to be. Deal?

Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...

Sure is interesting how this gentleman, and most of the other veterans I know (myself included) have become this endangered species whose feelings and honor must be protected by the brave patriots in the bleachers and on twitter!

I served in the military during the Vietnam war, and my foot hurt too, but I served anyway.

I’m more interested in the way she made it sound like 3 generations of her family fought in Vietnam.

But the thing is, she probably genuinely believes that it is. The same way that she genuinely believes that Jesus was 6'2" with blond hair and blue eyes.

They completely ruined my Pittsburgh Kneelers joke!

It’s too late for Atlanta. They could’ve fought white supremacy months ago by not blowing a 25 point lead against Richard Spencer’s favorite team.

I think it’s pretty clear that Durant is just more comfortable being the third person.

It’s likely due to my old age, but since Junior Seau’s suicide I’ve found it kind of sad to watch NFL games, knowing with near certainty that down the road a guaranteed percentage of the players on the field are fated to suffer diminished capacities of varying degrees owing to brain trauma.