
"We thought you were rich, you act so entitled" Funny or too self aware? I laughed, but doubt women in Japan would say that. More aggravating was the episode missing the office flower culture of Japan. I doubt Shoshana would be oblivious and head into a romance with her boss without worrying that it might be pretty

I loved the line of the shopping cart song, "Safeway's wondering where you've gone." It's a great sign for the episode when your daughter actually reacts to the line about selling the Malibu Stacys, long overdue for feminist reasons, but holding on to the transitioning Ken doll.

It's hilarious how stupid people are in America until it's a realistic possibility Trump or Cruz is elected President. It's got to be China or Mexico's because the education system is rock solid.

Good song for New Order, but their whole catalogue is Joy Division covers. Why not just go to Joy Division - Transmission?

Final Solution by Pere Ubu

The doctor left for a Tinder date, and Helen called him an asshole. I forgot the doctor said, 'your husband is here,' and Alison is engaged to Noah and maybe still married to Cole. Athena, it is not.

And "North American Scum" no less? I think they left the perspective device to be clear the episode was going to kill time and not move the plot. With Noah crying, I did think 'you got what you asked for' and felt zero sympathy. With Cole, it seemed stupid to burn the house down. With Helen, it was confusing how that

Who stated it and when?

I had assumed Scotty was killed in the summer when Noah was in Montauk with his family. Cole seems to be able to drive from Montauk to Manhattan in a few minutes, but Noah would need a reason to be driving up there between Thanksgiving and summer. Maybe 'the wedding' was Scotty and Whitney.

I thought she lied earlier when she said she wouldn't read it, but when she read it in the agent's office was the ending in or not in? I'm confused about the timing, and how Scotty is still alive at Thanksgiving. More important to the plot, she definitely appears to be lying to Gottlief about good terms and leaving

The baby is Scotty's.

She lied about not reading the book and appeared to be lying to Gottlief about being on good terms with Scotty and leaving Cole’s wedding before him. Noah lied about the turkey, Harry making him change the ending, hearing the baby's heartbeat and probably that he was drinking with Franzen rather than with Eden.

Considering Cole and Alison already had a child, I thought 'our baby' referred to her and Scotty. It makes the scene two episodes ago where Scotty finds Alison with Cole at the Montauk house make more sense. On the other hand, it seems like Noah is on trial and Scotty is alive so maybe sense isn't going to rule the

The only reason Helen and Noah might pay would be to keep evidence from the police. Instead, it sounded like it implicated someone else. If they trusted the police and followed the law, they should set up Oscar to show his obstruction of justice, and have the police shake him down for the evidence implicating the real

Agree about Noah being selfish. He was so intolerable his own POV they didn't need to re-hash the scenes through Helen's POV. Oddly, my POV was sympathy for Helen, but my spouse can't stand her. I could completely relate to a mother dealing with her issues by wreaking havoc on her child's life. For Helen to kick out

Marge to Lisa, "You don't have to wear the whole Frida Kahlo costume, maybe just the eyebrow and the mustache."

I liked Natalie Morales and Rob Lowe. They had a good exchange something along the lines of the following. I'm just dreading the possibility of the writers getting lazy and collapsing into Moonlighting terriory.
"He thinks he can get a settlement"
"Objection, hearsay?"

I had to explain what I thought that was to my wife. Some writer thought that might have gotten a chuckle in the Catskills. Che should have begged him not to do that joke. The blackface joke was pretty funny.

She's really got to decide whether to do the mom and dad jokes or the molly/Nasty Jack jokes. It was just the 'self-promotional energy of her public persona.' Some good stuff in the show other than Miley, but the first two segments were nothing more than just the pathetic summer news. The Val sketch should have
