
Absolutely not. 40 year old econoboxes are not worth five figures, I don't care what kind of nostalgia you have for being a teenage girl in the 90's who drove one of these to high school.

All ex-cop cars need to have a large orange stripe painted on the hood and trunk/hatch before heading to auction. Removing these stripes should be illegal and considered impersonating police. Tired of seeing these fake ass cop cars on the road.

The top picture is from when this truck was recently in stock at Chicago Motors where they sell this kind of stuff. The brick background is identical.

I agree. There’s also an even more sinister use for these things, beyond the dickhead cosplayer, which is why you can’t buy them anymore in Canada:

Abused, poorly maintained, wrecked and reconstructed. None of the maintenance or wrecks will EVER show up on a Carfax. For every government agency that is well funded there are two like Gary, Indiana. City vehicles are falling apart and being cannibalized before they are ever sold.

I’m ND’ing this even though I don’t hate the price, because something about this police package seems... home-made. The bull bar/cargo organizer look like aftermarket/ebay shit, and a lot of the lights look light just stick-on LED’s (the off-kiltered ones on the bull bar not matching the ones on the grill really

cosplay-mobile says

I didn’t learn this whole police-cosplay culture existed until I half-heartedly looked at Crown Vic’s a few years ago (I have a job in construction and it seemed like a cheap/low maintenance way to eat hard miles). What an absolute bunch of freaks.

Priced to sell to cop cosplayers/wannabes. Fuck that noise. ND all the way.

My dad, a cop, always said “Never, ever buy a used cop car. You guys have no idea what we do to these things.”  So I’m gonna go with “No dice”.  

This Lamborghini is more elegant than that... thing.

Which 3 people think 1) that’s a nice price and 2) have such awful taste that they’d plunk down $11,500 dollars for a gawdy Fiero with dull paint?

You’re absolutely right, but when was dodge not a gimmick brand?

Yeah, that’s the biggest problem here. The New Edge mustangs aren’t exactly in demand right now, and for that price you could get a nice late 60s mustang or a newer Bullitt with better performance. The only reason to buy this is the hope that it will be worth more in the near future, but that’s a high buy in price on

Likely a sign that you’re a reasonable human. I’m quite positive that seller exclusively hits on girls younger than the car. 

No. This is just not the collector Bullitt. For a few dollars more than 43k I would rather have the 2019 or so Bullitt model with 460hp and ac seats. 

I’m not real sure why, but that license plate makes me furious.

Why are you even bothering to showcase this Jeep? David Tracy has undoubtedly already bought it and added it to his queue of Jeeps I Need To Finally Fix.

“He could have served me discreetly, but instead...

As somebody who lived in NYC, that is not a wrong statement.
But I am more likely to get run down by bicyclist than car.