
That’s really where I thought they were going to go with it...

Then reveal that something more sinister was using her (Nightmare, Mephisto) through the Darkhold.

Yup. That was great, but I really wish they gave the book to Wanda instead. Let her resurrect her kids and have them. Then work on destroying the Darkhold, evil Strange, etc.

Even weirder, and I really thought this was the way they were going with it... why not let Wanda open the book of Vishanti. It’d give her a way to get her kids back in her own universe. Bam threat neutralized...

Then you can pivot to who or what was manipulating her into becoming the murderous Scarlet Witch instead of

Exactly. There’s no need for any “real” trailers for Thor 4. I would love to see them do more parody trailers like Darryl the roommate or the Ragnarok in 4D stuff they did last go round.


Exactly. CODA won best picture... but you didn’t see/hear anyone making fun of the deaf last night...

As a comedian you punch UP, at people with power, not punch down, at someone who has a fairly common, but culturally ignored, disease in alopecia.

Chris was absolutely risking that reaction in making that joke. Will

I own a Forester and a Mazda6... you’re hilariously wrong.

It’s a cheaper investment to those who may be hesitant to blow $1K+ on trying to switch ecosystems.

Same here. No matter how well maintained or babied this car may have been handled, that’s just too much money for a 150K+ miles on it. If that was listed for $12K he’d have at least a few interested parties that he could get into a bidding war up around to $14-15K price range.

Exactly my thought. I wonder how hard a K20 (non-C2) swap would be in one of these.

Would be really cool if the two travelers are the the Ithryn Luin...

scabies, the clap, gonorrhea, hep a, hep c, and pubic lice...

God I love this show.

Stop being a petulant child. AA/Carplay have been standard for a few years now on the WRX.

Brembos do not mean they’re better brakes than something else, they’re a brand, they make good products and bad products just like everyone else.

Nowhere in the entire Northeast could I find a V6 Stinger when I was looking in the

Why do you hate your own hypothetical spawn? So they can die if they get rear ended by a Fiat 500 at a stop light?

These things are awful in every single metric a car can be judged by.

Sounds like you should have paid attention to the movie dialogue then. This is not Morpheus, this is a program that Tom wrote that is a combination of an Agent (Smith) and the subconscious memories he has of Morpheus.

Which the new crew immediately identify and extract from Tom’s simulation.

Smith was being controlled

Or Flubber?!?

I would go see an Edgar Wright Portal movie opening night.

Can we PLEASE keep JJ Abrams away from any IPs that are already established so he doesn’t destroy them too!??!? Wasn’t Star Trek & Star Wars enough of a trainwreck to keep him away???

It’s called Hangouts... it’s been around for over 8 years...