
*Ashlee Simpson dances a jig*

How to sort the true statements from the lies coming from this transition team: place all statements in basket labeled “lies.”

At this point, I’m not sure I believe this. It feels a bit like an attempt to save face.

I’ve never got a virus from Torrenting. I download tons of AMC, HBO, and other shows, despite having these as part of my cable, on demand, and owning a DVR. Good torrents are often better quality, have zero compression artifacts, and often better sound than my cable provider gives.

Let’s see - Amazon Prime: streaming, dealing with the video shredding every time my ISP decides to let another switch take a crap, not being able to play it on my TV because of the HDCP. Torrenting: Downloading a Hi-Def rip of the show while away at work, and watching without interruption when I get home.

The worst

I have no dog in this fight, but as the music industry tried to weasel around with, “For how that translates into revenue” is a very suspect phrase...

You’re welcome.

Happy to contribute!

The real story is that they didn’t fine some of the Eagles players like Carson Wentz and Zach Ertz for wearing cleats with Bible verses that aren’t tied to any particular charity or foundation.

i really wanted to verify that he made this investment after witnessing michael richards’ racist rant at the laugh factory, but alas, it was not meant to be.

Damn can’t enjoy Seinfeld anymore or corn dogs that have run away from the county fair anymore. What else will this team steal from me.

I mean, it was kinda the banks fault. He just exploited a bug. And the bank should have probably noticed an in-debt 22 year old withdrawing millions from the bank.

I can attest that Versed (midzolam) doesn’t feel the same as propofol and I am actually appalled that they use FUCKING Versed.

the manufacturers of morphine, propofol, and other drugs, such as the one used to euthanize pets, are European Union-based and have threatened to halt import of EVERY medication they make if one of them is used for an execution.

Maybe this is a stupid comment, but I don’t understand why they don’t just give the condemned a massive dose of morphine. A doctor could easily determine a fatal dose and the unfortunate prisoner would fall unconscious quickly.

In other words, “Are you Peter Thiel?”

Here’s what I’d like to know. Are you one guy with a dozen accounts? Or one of a dozen guys who write the same comment? In other words, are you A) crazy or B) unusually petty?

YOU FORGOT THE HAMMER!! How else will you be 100% certain that thing that won’t move isn’t just stuck in place? Or how will you insure that your duct-tape job is up to par?