I'm just here for the free food

While I agree with you and that’s not what I would do. I would go to a dealer, see, feel, and drive the car I’m interested in as well as compare it to a few others that are similar. I also feel like there are a lot of people out there that don’t give 2 shits about anything else on the market. They can look at one car,

I still say GM gave us the wrong version of the Regal wagon, instead of the TourX, it should have been the more GSified sporty version.

“If you are one of those buyers who is smart enough to know that AWD won’t save you in the snow and that higher doesn’t equal safer, a new sedan might be your ticket for a car that just will do a good job getting you around.”

It’s one of those things you don’t really think about until something happens... In both cases, yah, the struts may have been a bit weak but not something that made it obvious they weren’t going to hold the hood up. Especially when you’re under there for an hour then all of a sudden BAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!

When its a 15yr old VW Passat or a 17yr old Silverado.... the hood strut is the least of the concerns these guys had with their vehicles, haha.

At least you don’t have to worry about the air shock giving out while working under it.... I know 2 people that got hurt pretty bad on different vehicles when this happened to them. One was lucky and had no broken bones in their hand. The other, their back took most of the hit but still got walloped on the head pretty

The only one here with a personal attachment is obviously you, and you’ve clearly gotten butthurt over it.

Sometimes you can’t help but to score to early. In this situation, they had timeouts they could have used to save more than 15 seconds for the offense to try and do something. Even with that time they got Boswell into a great position to tie the game. Unfortunately it just didn’t go well from there.....

What you’re saying is completely illogical and doesn’t make sense. You’re just trying to interject something extra to argue about that’s irrelevant. They aren’t going to make 100 million of something and then wait for them all to sell.... they have a good understanding of the demand and how much to produce in batches.

Don’t get me wrong, I was pissed at the unveiling too. They had a lot of great ideas, and it’s good they back tracked on some, but they just botched everything so bad that they turned a lot of people off. I agree with you, go where your friends are or where you have the most gaming investment. Most folks will be happy

Apparently reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Read what I said again. “’s sold more than the 360 did at this point in the last gen cycle.” That doesn’t mean it sold more than the 360 to date....

Yes, Don Mattrick leaving was the best thing to happen for Xbox after they royally messed up their message when everything was unveiled. 

Xbox being a financial success is not an opinion, it is a fact....

I’m not taking it personally, I’m just pointing out the fact that it is not a failure, and apparently for some reason it’s a tough pill for you to swallow.

Essentially, the only people seeing the Xbox One as a failure are Sony fanboys... plain and simple. You’ve fallen for this “Console War” BS that's constantly being pitched everywhere.

To an extent sure it matters what the competition is doing, but lets say for example I have a product I’m selling. I’ve sold 100million of them and I’ve made 100billion dollars. You have a competing product, but you’ve only sold 25million of them and only pocketed 25billion dollars. Are you worried that your product

Realistically it doesn’t matter what their competitor is doing. They are being outsold, no argument; but calling it a failure is completely misinformed and highly inaccurate. The Xbox brand is a big reason why Microsoft just overtook Apple as the largest company in the world. They are still making billions on Xbox.

This is false, the One X super samples 4K and does look better. The faster load times are a lot more surprising than you’d expect on some games as well.

It’s hardly a failure when it’s sold more than the 360 did at this point in the last gen cycle. It’s still making a pile of money for Microsoft. Many folks seem to forget that the “console war” is fictitious and made up by media and fans. Microsoft was ahead if it’s time when they first unveiled the Xbox One. It’s a

Something like a Roku stick isn’t going to suddenly add HDR support or additional HDMI ports.

Something like a Roku stick isn’t going to suddenly add HDR support or additional HDMI ports.