I'm just here for the free food

This, too many people forget about his past and his attitude. He’s not the type of guy they want to keep around. It’s his own fault he’s not getting the money he wants and i would be surprised if he gets it elsewhere. Sure he’ll find another team making big money, but he’s going to be far from one of the highest paid

That wouldn’t surprise me at all if that happened, haha.

That’s what I’ve been wondering as well. Unless they were to spin off Corvette as its own brand and no longer lump it in as a Chevy. Or perhaps they’ll just called it a Chevy SS. It’ll just be a little more special than the prior SS.

I feel like I like this car more than I should.....

2012-2017 Buick Regal GS. Take it from a fellow Pennsylvanian that has one, its what you need. It fits your budget, its comfy, has decent power, available with AWD, and you won’t see a ton of them on the road every day.

I’ve always liked the looks of the Q50's, but they are due for a redesign at this point. That’s a lot of money to spend on something that’s not 100% new.

I understand it completely, you’re the one that missed the mark with your original comment....

It’s for pedestrian safety, it has nothing to do with being able to see/hear them while you’re driving.....

I’ve always used the Xbox branded rechargeables. A few months ago one of mine seemed to stop holding a charge for very long, and then I got lucky and got a couple xbox one rechargeable packs for like $12 when ToysRus was going out of business.

I think the issue is more that it cant fit full sheets of dry wall or plywood in the bed than how much of a “loose” payload it can carry. Its a neat little truck, but it needs to be priced like a little truck and not a big one.

I have an in cabin air filter i haven’t replaced because i havent found the time to take the 4 bolts out of my glove box to remove it to do it. Its out of sight out of mind....

I used to be really into the RC stuff as well, is or was another good site for the “scale” RC stuff. I’ve been slowly selling off my RC’s, i just need to take the time to really do it and get them off my shelves so i have more room in my house for family stuff now.

This is a solid answer here for sure, and probably a lot more comfy than she’s used too as well.

My netgear nighthawk R7000 is like that on the 2.4g connection, but on the 5g i get faster than advertised. I have messed with every setting imaginable and i think i’ve pretty much determined that its bad firmware. I’ve tried newer versions of the firmware, but they almost always seem to break the router and i have to

Wait, didn’t people used to actually climb on the car too and “surf” it, not just dance beside it? Either way, i laughed at those dumbasses then and i’m laughing at them now, but also crossing my fingers i never see anyone do this in person.

I don’t think it’s that a lot of those folks “ not actually, literally think they might make it one day. They’re at least smart enough to know they won’t. What drives their irrational behavior is something way more sad and pathetic than that—they’re just bootlickers.” so much as that these people actually think

And the bugs in PA always seem to leave behind some weird yellowish waxy residue that refuses to come off. No, I’m not talking about baked on bug guts.

I think I’ve read they (Trump administration) are also going to remove CARB’s authority (waiver) to enforce anything....

Where’s my Hellcat Pacifica?

Exactly, they don’t pay people in commercials royalties.... you get a lump sum for doing it and that’s it. Generally a couple hundred bucks and that’s it, don’t like it then tough crap, there’s an endless supply of people out there that will do it for that amount.