I'm just here for the free food

And I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t know sarcasm if it slapped you in the face.....

Ah, i think you’re right, it is the 3, but it is compatible with Alexa.

Ah, i think you’re right, it is the 3, but it is compatible with Alexa.

My Costco has these for $199 as well, and I actually think they might be on sale right now there for a little less than that. And it comes with 3 sensors.

My Costco has these for $199 as well, and I actually think they might be on sale right now there for a little less

Except not since the SS since production ended before the Stinger production began.

Except not since the SS production ended before the Stinger production began.

I totally disagree with the minivan... if he kept a coupe that long and is looking for something with 4 doors. I say its a safe bet his wife already has another ride such as a minivan or SUV to suit their needs. I’m lucky that my wife has a current gen Durango to do the kid hauling, family trips etc with. I have a

And spankings, lots and lots of spankings. I got spanked all the time when i misbehaved as a child, and look how i turned out. I’ve never once stolen my parents car to go on a high speed chase, because i was afraid of those spankings! Seriously though, this kid needs some kid of help, I think there’s more to this than

Could something like this actually result in litigation again CR? Obviously a review score would be their opinion/score based on testing parameters they’ve established. But if they are assigning scores (particularly anything less than stellar that could affect sales) to cars they’ve not actually tested, could that be

Perhaps I’m the one that wiffed.

While you’re not wrong, I feel the joke was missed.

I’ve used them, they are ok, but I got a good deal on a large pack of chemical guys brand on amazon I’ve been using lately, they seems to hold up “slightly” better.

Yep, they are good disposable tools. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part I’m the same way. If its something i’m only going to use once or twice, harbor freight is the place to get it. Now, i love their DA polisher. Sure it might be a little heavier and louder than a porter cable, but i’m not using it

Yeah, lets just continue pretending the doesn’t have a job because he didn’t suck.... Am I really the only one that thinks he wasn’t a good QB? Hell i’d rather have Tebow out there on my team.

I can’t argue with that, this is the first time ever that the accord is actually appealing to me, and dare i say even a bit exciting?

My first thought was the Chevy SS and then a Caddy, but what about the KIA Stinger? Won’t it be on the lot soon, and no one is going to think a KIA is packing the punch it is because KIA!

Absolutely, but if there’s no record of them saying not to repair it correctly, then legally i’d think its on the repair shop, not the insurance company. Let me be clear, I’m just playing devils advocate here, I’m totally getting what you’re saying though.

They certainly can dictate things like using used parts when repairing a car that’s a certain age or older, but to cut corners on safely following a repair procedure doesn’t sound as likely to me.

I’m have a suspicion that Statefarm is actually in the clear here and the Repair shop charged statefarm for correct repair work, but did the glue job since it would save them time and money. I’m sure they never expected what happened to happen, but this should be a lesson to repair shops on what risk they take by

If you want to sell a season pass, you damned well better tell people what’s included. If you don’t, you’re going to be in for a very rude awakening....

Do you remember any of the OG maps from when CS was still in BETA? CS_747 was a ton of fun. Obviously had a lot of issues, but they should have tweaked it and kept it. But I guess they eventually made a new map with similar ideas, mainly a plane.