I'm just here for the free food

The original comment you’re replying to is from when the first round went live on 8/20. If you didn’t get a Scorpio then, you’re probably not getting one unless brick and mortar stores get a few in for launch day.

The original comment you’re replying to is from when the first round went live on 8/20. If you didn’t get a Scorpio

Maybe they had a coupon that was only good until 10am.

I still have my fingers crossed we get a sequel or something. I loved this game, I think I liked solving the different cases more-so than I cared for the overall story of Cole, but that’s ok, it was still good fun.

That’s nothing, you gotta see this guy flip a SXS over:

Precisely, its sad and unfortunate, but in no way connected with what Dodge is doing.

This is just another example of people getting all bend out of shape and offended about something that if they took 2 seconds to do some research would see wtf is going on....

Buick Regal GS, has a manual from 2012-2015 though tough to find, but if you do should be well within budget.

I usually buy an “off brand” battery. I can get one that has a higher cold cranking amps than factory than less than a name brand. I’ve been doing this for a long time, and they last just as long as the big name brands do if not longer since the higher CCA might get it through an extra winter.

I agree for the most part, though BF perks are very different than those in COD games. Generally it allows you to carry an extra grenade or more ammo, have a heavy vest to reduce impact damage from explosives etc. They obviously have announced more and different things than this, but fortunately I don’t see this being

Cheaper than what? If you seriously think that to be true then you’ve obviously not experienced the current gen Durango in person and are just assuming since its FCA/Chrysler that its garbage. If you’re saying cheaper than a Jeep because of said interior, again, you’ve not seen both in person, they are near identical.

If we use ground clearance then the Durango is a sure loser, that thing sites low, at least the front fascia does, aerodynamics or some BS they say...

Statefarm Insurance classifies my Durango as a “Sport Wagon”, so maybe you’re on to something.

That’s a good point, it comes off the same line as the Grand Cherokee, just a few inches longer and a 3rd row. Even if you don’t use the 3rd row (which lays flat) its more practical to have that extra cargo space. And its cheaper than the GC.... now that’s a real head scratcher there.

I don’t get why you guys like to call the Durango a mini-van when it’s clearly not. Its probably the best SUV being offered right now, especially for what you get for the money (Not talking about SRT specifically).

Halogen bulbs will not and cannot give a Xenon look..... They might provide a slighter white or blueish hue at the expense of longevity, but they will not even compare to the look of Xenon or HID lighting.

Halogen bulbs will not and cannot give a Xenon look..... They might provide a slighter white or blueish hue at the

If they are going to play adds in my car, then they are going to be paying for my car as well. Sounds like a fair trade off to me. Otherwise if I paid for it, GTFO with your adds.

I sold 2 of our cars last year and the first one I listed on Autotrader. I wont use them again to sell a car. Too many dealerships having their inventories on there. I listed them all over the place for sale and both sold on One took me 2 months to sell, the other took me less than 2 weeks. Good luck!

My neighbors are included in ratings. Not Neilson but a similar company, Im trying to remember the dang thing.... They each have a beeper type device they have to keep on them at all times. My understanding is that its very hands off, nothing manual. The device actually listensfor inaudible code within the tv

I’m probably focusing on the wrong part of the article, but seriously... Cover charges just to get into a restaurant? What the hell????

This is a game I wish would get a sequel. I know it won’t happen but man I enjoyed this game. It was something different, different than the norm of GTA yet very similar. Probably also why I liked Murdered: Soul Suspect so much. Perhaps I just like the finding clues and solving the mysteries. Its a twist on game