
Yeah not really a spoiler, pretty sure the actor died a few months ago.

Then we'd miss the opportunity to have the mother pick him up.

Can someone explain the Amy Pietz comment?

FINALE SPOILERS: Dexter falls off the slice of life and rides a shark to his own private island where he lives happily ever after.

Not a mistake if you think about the Dexter timeline (not that the timeline makes sense as a whole anyway, either), but a year doesn't always pass between seasons. For instance, Season 5 started the same day as Season 4 ended. This season started 6 months after last years "New Years" episode. Etc. In the chronology of

So much has changed with Season 2 (this was the first episode, not the finale, the show had a 2 year long season 1 because of huge breaks between episodes) that you probably could skip the rest of Season 1 honestly, but you'd be doing yourself an injustice. It's a great season and only gets better and better as it

The first episode of Season 1, for me, doesn't give the show justice. I'm personally not a fan of clones/aliens so the first episode turned me off a bit, but something about the show struck me so I stuck around. And I'm glad I did. It's one of the best animated shows I've ever seen, on par with Avatar: The Last