
Tesla does not get it nor does virtually every other AV maker. It is impossible to drive the one trillion miles or spend over $300B to stumble and restumble on all the scenarios necessary to complete the effort. Many of which are accident scenarios no one will want you to run once let alone thousands of times. You

Welcome to the world Silicon Valley IT created. Folks who believe they innovate everything. Where no one before them has done a thing. And if they did it must have been easy. Where making apps and games prepares you to make autonomous vehicles, planes, space ships and as reported today satellites that are so small

Also where is the mention of the firetruck issue in California? Same problem occurred.

SAE AV Testing Task Force Member-Public Shadow driving and L2+/L3 are not safe and cannot lead to L4

Michael DeKort - Aerospace/DoD Systems Engineer/Whistleblower

Reporters are slowly starting to get they need to break free of the echo chamber.

Reporters are slowly starting to get they need to break free of the echo chamber.

How do you KNOW who leads who without seeing a scenario learned list next to the list of minimal scenarios to learn? Miles and disengagements mean alsmost nothing without scenario data.

Lockheed DHS Whistleblower - These folks are lying. They were hacked because most companies and organization avoid several critical best practices.

Unlike NHTSA who let Tesla completely off the hook the NTSB found that Tesla’s expectations of drivers was too high and that if the systems cannot function well on certain types of roads the system should not engage. They also said only sensing the driver touching the wheel is not good enough to determine if the

Lockheed Engineer/Whistleblower