Tell me how a 80 year old man with a non working dick that’s blind assaults a woman? Hmmm.
Tell me how a 80 year old man with a non working dick that’s blind assaults a woman? Hmmm.
Meh, let god sort them out. Or Harambe, or kwanzaa or HeZues.
Very cool. THANK YOU!>
Dang Wut IS THIS. No ASS CCI PORN? Come on man! (^_^) [o_o] (^.^) (“.”) ($.$)
HAHA! I BEAT THE SYSTEM! I started my own comment.. AND NO one will EVER KNOW!!
A Black guy “sampling” someone’s Lunch out of the fridge today tried to have his own opinion that Feminism is for everyone. He said that all these special programs help everybody. And Black men should be thankful for all the crime and jail time set them up for.
METOO! Women are so busy working hard and doing their own thing and going their own way, why would they even bother with a man today. It so weird to think that women would try to use the system against men. Women would never manipulate a man or cheat on him unless she was some evil person. And we all know girls are…
I am speechless. So, your gay dude who has a gay dude who has a sister who drives a volvo, but you’re into Jimmy’s while your at work? Should you not be working or something? :-)