What an absolutely despicable, dehumanizing post (who fucking starred this shit to bring it out of the greys).
What an absolutely despicable, dehumanizing post (who fucking starred this shit to bring it out of the greys).
Stop swiping at Israel.
Perhaps not a popular take on this site but why on earth would someone who has filmed themselves fucking and put it out there in the universe run for competitive office?
Am I way off here?
Sir, this is an Arby’s.
Are you sure you are at the right website?
You’re all for “sex positivity” but you seem to think that filming yourself having sex should disqualify you forever from running for office because that shows bad decision making skills. You cannot fathom that one might enjoy sex with their partner and use it to make a little extra cash and then some time later in…
This is one issue that can’t just be put on Republicans or conservative media. BIDEN is the one who went on TV and lied, claiming that he saw “with his own eyes” Israeli babies that had been beheaded by Hamas, while pledging his unwavering support to apartheid colonizing Israel in their continued genocide against…
Most incredibly, there was no article written about the actual terrorist attack by Hamas. How is that possible? It’s Israel’s version of 9/11 and you don’t even see fit to do an article about it? That’s basically Fox News level journalistic malpractice.
That is a total mischaracterization of what she did. She condemned killing of innocents by anyone. How on earth is that a controversial take?
um...ahem...the terms “ghetto” and “concentration camp”... oh wait only bad people do those
Israel is an Apartheid state.
Oh I think it’s very clear why they are doing this. Old Benji wants a genocide and the Israeli government can’t let all these high visibility celebrities influence their followers with things like reason and empathy. It unmuddies the water they’ve worked so hard to keep dirty. I can’t begin to tell you how many people…
He’s not allowing it. He’s demanding it.
“Tonight on FOX News: Why wanting to have sex with your own children isn’t weird. It’s actually very cool. Only the best and most normal people want to bang their kids.”
I’m sure the “don’t sexualize the children” crown will be quick to denounce him. Obviously this is far, far worse than a drag show.
If they want to charge for their API, that’s fine. If app developers can’t afford it, that’s just business, I guess. Pricing your product so high that nobody is going to buy it doesn’t sound like a way to generate revenue to me, but then I didn’t go to business school.
Ballet is like gymnastic level training on a model’s diet. It is really messed up and unhealthy. (And I know gymnasts have a lot of weight and eating-related issues, but they are at least allowed to have enough to build the muscles they need.)
I read somewhere that Balanchine liked the looks of dancers’ feet with bunion injuries. He said it made their feet look winged.