Lee Griffo

Probably Kevan, by law. Shit.

Gendry? King of the high seas?

Yeah, DeadGreg doesn't have much sense of subtlety. If he deems Tommen her enemy, his head is going to part ways with his body.

Well, he's not a knight, as he keeps reminding everyone.

Two thoughts: Qyburn's "rumour" is related to Tyrion proclaiming himself "the most famous dwarf in the world." She knows where he is.

It does seem odd, she took advantage of all that training and didn't even fulfill her residency requirements. I think she's going to have to pay back her tuition.

In the excerpt, isn't Arya's time with the mummers when she kills Ser Meryn? I thought it was part of her training.

'Bout time someone banged Hugh Laurie.

Can you imagine the producers' meeting with Rory McCann?

Dany has said she will bear no children. So…unless there is ANOTHER Targaryen heir out there somewhere, it doesn't matter who she marries.

Yeah, I looked that up. In that case, I REALLY want to see Highgarden.

She learned some stuff.

And he named his daughter "Tarla Tarly." Douche.

Nah, just her dragons. I don't think they heard a word she said.


And what a freakin' house/castle. Why has no one enlisted the Tarly army? They must have one.

That's where the CGI budget went for the direwolves.

I hate him because he made Hot Lansel not hot with that stupid forehead brand.

I want a love triangle between Tormund, Brienne and the Blackfish.

I was thinking how embarrassing it was going to be for him to have to dismount to lead his horse down the stairs.