I'd lease his Lexus. If you know what I mean.
I'd lease his Lexus. If you know what I mean.
She has to wait to make sure it's a son.
Feminine wiles or no, it took some time to re-stamp those white-cloaks plate armor with the seven-pointed star. How long was he in there, anyway? And wouldn't it have been a good idea for his mom and uncle dad to uh, KNOW where the king was before they stormed the sept? Badly played, Kingslayer.
If not her chin acne. She IS still a teen, after all.
Roger that!
Where IS Pod, anyway?
Fair point.
Is that the excuse they used for not cutting her hair?
Now we know where the CGI budget went for the direwolves. Drogon is HUGE. But how expensive can it be to scale a dragon?
Rhaegar is dead, right?
Have you read the books? Because he certainly did.
I think Ricon is a warg, too. And maybe not a selfish one.
She was given instructions from the Forest Kid to protect Bran. She should have said fuck that.
Nope. I blame Bran.
To kill people who are trying to help him, apparently.
Not so tragic, she could do better. Obvs!
I hope she doesn't. When she realizes he's not playing.
No, she likes men. She was in love with Renly.