
Sorry, but it’s probably my absolute favorite current Marvel book.

SNIKT. ...just wanted to post this relevant Squirrel Girl gag. :)

I played for about two hours yesterday, and I was fascinated by simply exploring the island. Figuring out particularly hard puzzles always felt good too, of course.

Looks like a damn solid month for PS+.

There's a hype train in the US too, and it's especially thirsty for more since 3.33 is finally releasing here.

Kotaku posted two Witness-related articles last week. One about the game....and one about how Jonathan Blow pees in a jug while developing games. Haha.

Just the first 27 episodes are the story from those two movies. Episodes 28 and beyond (starting Sunday!) will be all new stories.

I’m so stoked that this series remains unchanged for the post-Secret Wars Marvel universe. Same creative team, same characters....perfect.

I also see a Millenium Falcon, and perhaps a Smash Bros hat.

This fucking page right here. Esad Ribic is the real hero in this story.

Nope. But they keep on trying to reinvent him anyways...

Image is where the quality is at, but you’re not going to find much quality in modern Spawn unfortunately.

This was fantastic. Hickman was given pretty much free reign over the books he was on, and he ended up putting out 6 solid years of connected stories.

The payoff was worth it. I just wish Hickman’s SHIELD run had a proper ending....or that it mattered in the long run. Marvel seems to ignore that series entirely.

Yep, another commenter just told me that. Exciting news! I’ll have to watch this one. :)

Awesome news. I somehow completely missed that announcement! I guess I’ll be watching the next Danganronpa anime then. :)

Isn’t that still only a manga? I haven't seen any news about an anime adaptation yet.

No idea when that’s happening, but it’s definitely not this season. I could never get into the first season anyways, because the games already spoiled the plot, haha. I’m a huge fan of the games though.

Currently I’m watching:

It’s good to see Box Boy on this list. That game flew so far under most people’s radar, but I loved it.

Stores that do most of those things would be breaking corporate rules. We were never allowed to take home new games, DLC was barely a thing yet when I worked there (but we kept vouchers safe in the drawers), but we did break factory seals on new games to make display copies.

We would always test used systems upon trade in, but I don’t recall ever breaking a seal on any new consoles. Even if the new console was from a return, the deal stayed unbroken.