Yesss, love for OlliOlli2. A lot of people ignore this series, but I think it's awesome.
Yesss, love for OlliOlli2. A lot of people ignore this series, but I think it's awesome.
GameStop employees barely even touch traded in consoles though. The system gets tested for barely a minute and then thrown into a box. If it has a hard drive, it gets shipped out to corporate to get wiped. If it doesn’t have a hard drive, it sits in the box until the day it sells.
PS4 systems have the serial number on the outside of the box actually, same as most items these days. I actually work guest service at Target, and we’re not supposed to break the seal if it still looks factory intact...which can be easy to fake.
I think they still tour though. I dunno how old this makes you, because of this new development. ;)
Target’s return policy is to attempt any and all returns, whether you have a receipt or not. If the item is older, you may not get the full value, but it never hurts to try.
This one is definitely getting localized, since it was announced at Sony’s E3 conference. :)
Haha, yeeeeah. I enjoyed reading Superior Spider-Man, but it's hard to believe that nobody noticed something was up for so long.
He’s been running Parker Industries for awhile now. It’s about time he started changing the world with his inventions...and becoming rich as a result.
PS3 and then PS4. I wasn't gonna double dip, but I ended up getting the PS4 version to play heists with my buddies.
You earn GTA$ by playing GTA Online. You don't need to pay any real money, but you have that option.
Or you can get that money by playing the game. The only cash I've spent on GTA V was when I originally bought the game. (Although I bought it twice, dammit)
I know a lot of people who would call Champloo the absolute best anime of all time. I’m actually engaged to someone who would say that, haha.
Osomatsu, One Punch, Beautiful Bones, and Prison School were my favorites.
I've never played a Yakuza, but I've always been curious. Should I just jump in with 5, or is there one older title that I absolutely can't miss??
Alanah has been with IGN for like a week, and she’s already making fans left and right. And I’ve already seen her on Beyond and Up At Noon.
I probably commented this the day you published that, but I’ll say it again - nice work on that story!
Thanks! I read about that coming out, but I didn't know when. :)
Each game is converted to 1080p. It’s not nearly as drastic as a remaster, but it still looks better than the games do on PS2.
It may be a parody account, but it's spot on. :(
That’s a silly comparison, because people shouldn’t be buying games they already own.