
I know the Wii U can play Wii discs, but I wasn’t even thinking about that. I wouldn’t buy PS2 games that I already own on my PS4. That would be silly.

Yeah, but some people want nicer graphics and trophies. I’m sure the inclusion of trophies alone will push most people towards dropping the cash on these.

That was talking about PS Now. These games aren't PS Now, these are downloads.

Great games + trophy support + up-rezzed to 1080p....$15 is more than fair.

Greg Miller is the best. So glad he won this!

X-O Manowar vs Ninjak. A Tellgame Games Series. :D

I could have sworn that he personally created the look for all of the new characters. I know Toyotaro draws the manga, but Toriyama is always credited for designs.

It’s not even like the “episodes” work as episodes. On their own. The starting and ending points are usually awkward, and the eye catch in the middle of each episode comes at a totally random point.

It will be 24 when all is said and done, since the US releases are broken into episodes for no reason at all.

I don’t know about “abysmal failure.” The people who own Vita continually support it strongly, and it high an extremely high system:game attach rate.

I wasn’t super hyped for this, but it was real good. I’m definitely in to see where this goes.

I slowed down once I hit 10 Amiibo. Now I think I have 13 total.

There actually IS a CW Archie series in the works right now, haha.

“Archie is NOT fucking Mr Weatherbee!!”

Annie Wu and Veronica Fish are alternating stories on Archie. That book is in great hands.

It certainly helps that Archie Comics keep reeling in some of the best artists in the industry.

It’s so refreshing to see the comments on this article. The Facebook post was full of hate towards Kotaku for some reason.

Your Target will probably not let you price match and do the deals. I’m a front end lead at my store, and the price match policy doesn’t allow us to price match and do coupons in the same transaction. If you want to price match, that’s all you get.

Thors looked fine when Sprouse was on art, but the fill-in artists muddled it quite a bit.

Thors was rad, but I’ve been missing the ongoing story of Jane. I’m so ready for this.