
Holy shit, she's crazy good!!

That was one of the first quests I completed, yet I can see via the achievements that none of my friends have done it.

I need that game back in my life real bad.

3DS is looking especially nice in 2016, after a lacking 2015. I think I’ve bought like 4 3DS games all year, while I got like 10 new games on the “dead” PS Vita.

He's getting the game a day late, not on time.

I cancelled my Pip Boy preorder on Amazon the other day when it said “we have your shipment,” “expected arrival date: November 18-20.”

You can trade old materials like those in at the Speaker for motes. I highly recommend trashing all of those, since they'll only benefit you if you're trying to level up old obsolete raid gear.

Just like the rest of the series so far, the debut was hilarious. This is my favorite show this season, no contest.

The kids were trying to find an anime style to get the attention of modern anime fans, so they were stealing ideas from all of the modern shows. That episode was definitely a one-off gag, but it set the tone for the series really well.

Ooooh, I’ll sub to this. I enjoy every writer on Kotaku quite a bit, so I have no reason not to like this too. :)

Level 5 made this game...Nintendo is doing the goofy marketing for it though, haha.

There’s 200+ monsters, and there’s a very small amount of them that relate to bathroom humor. Don’t worry about that too much.

Ballsy, 616 Reed isn’t gonna make it through Secret Wars?

They’ve been billing their mobile titles as free or cheap since the my first mentioned the DeNA deal. It’s more about brand awareness/loyalty and microtransactions for Miitomo.

I enjoyed Shimoneta, but Sex Criminals is way funnier and it has a lot more of a clear point.

There's plenty of boobs in this series, haha. Vaginas, not so much. A lot of other Image Comics go all the way though.

Sex Criminals isn’t an erotic comic. It’s not a comic that you’re supposed to jerk off to. It’s a comedy that also approaches sexual subjects in an approachable way.

This has been my favorite ongoing comic since issue #1. So damn good. Great article.

When Matt and Trey put out the call for SP yaoi art, I learned that there is a wild world of South Park shippers out there. Apparently “Creek” is a very popular ship. As is “Cryle.”

I knew a lot of Destiny players before TTK came out, but the amount of people on my PS4 friends list playing Destiny definitely doubled after the expansion’s release.