
I just realized why I should vote NP.

is $5,500 the new $1,500? I need to readjust my financial compass

Crack pipe all the way, especially without pictures underneath or in the engine. I’d say up to $4K might be nice price if you’re into it and it’s cherry, but just because it’s old doesn’t make it classic. And if it’s been in Hawaii long, it’s hiding catastrophic rust somewhere.

Still too much money. I'd only give him half a case.

Two different sets of wheels, on two sides? It’s still $5,500? Look, I’m all for doing things differently, but decisions like that make me question the owner a bit.

Echoing your sentiments, I was torn and ultimately voted CP. The last couple paragraphs or so deep-sixed NP for me — “restored” and “many new parts”? All that’d be good if “restored” actually meant what this seller apparently doesn’t know it means.

89 stang? ill give you $15 and a case of fucking hell

And get rid of the free contact high every time you drive?

I wonder if we will see customized van enthusiasm again? There are a lot of new vans on the market.

“cybersecurity companies” and “experts” and nobody with a name or a face...

Given that the DNC started out by lying about the what point do we start believing their narrative?

He’s been lusting for that for a while. As a matter of fact, the Democrats have also been laughing at the Republicans who have been warning about Russia’s increasing militarism. Something about the world has changed.

And why is Snowden challenging Russia...

I find it amusing that people are trying to hide behind “But it was Russia!” Let’s look at this...

Because it’s Foxtrot Alpha not Jalopnik. And some of us are interested in this story. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it.

He’s not necessarily challenging Russia, he is saying that the NSA likely knows much more about this attack and its origins than they are revealing. They have spoken up about practically all recent major attacks but are surprisingly silent on this one.

So I guess the Info revealed ……. DNC SUBVERTING Democratic process. Is NOT of IMPORTANCE? rUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA……bOO! I couldn’t care less about WHO released this VERY DESPICABLE INFORMATION regarding the subversion of my right to ELECT the Candidate of MY OWN CHOOSING! Clinton/DNC ACTIVELY UNDERMINED the ENTIRE

So the company that got hacked, That the FBI warned about getting hacked, and didn’t do anything for a full year.

I don’t think anyone suggested they gave him sanctuary out of kindness. I think it was more of a ‘Fuck You’ to the US, as this was happening at the height of the ‘new cold war’ hoopla.

Well, the real benefit I would think isn’t in “mooching” off of a friend’s phone (though, if they have 100% charge and I only have 5% I think any friend of mine would happily let me siphon off a bit), but rather, to charge my phone off of my tablet. If I’m in a situation where I’m traveling with both, the tablet