Was this 727 completely constructed in Washington, or was the fuselage built in Wichita and shipped by rail to the northwest?
Was this 727 completely constructed in Washington, or was the fuselage built in Wichita and shipped by rail to the northwest?
I agree. Why is it that all cars these days look pretty much the same? Is it because of today’s safety standards and that’s pretty much all they can do?
I starred your comment for the great “That Thing You Do” .gif! That’s one of my all-time favorite movies. That movie completely typecast the lead singer for me, because whenever I see him in other stuff I always think that he’s an asshole.
It’s a nice looking car, but Hyundai needs to remember that they’re Hyundai. Nobody’s going to pay over $50,000 for one, so if they can build that so it can be sold under that number they’ll be successful.
Thanks for the links! Both of those websites are new to me.
These reader surveys are all fine and good, but I wish that Lifehacker would be like Consumer Reports and actually buy a bunch of headphone amps (or whatever product) and do some testing and comparisons. It’d be a lot more helpful than people recommending what they’ve purchased, considering that most of them haven’t…
They got the design wrong, so I don’t even think that their pedo meter will work.
Could the pilots use only the plane’s instruments to land or did they have to try to use the side windows to see the ground?
“Among Theives” was a great book!
“Not knowing whether the man you shook hands with three hours ago broke down in-transit from stage to stage or rolled into a ditch”
“At one point this was the most popular car to be stranded on the side of the road in.”
I see. I would have guessed that it was a deleted scene from “Joe Dirt” so apparently I didn’t pay very close attention to the car in “Wayne’s World.”
That’s Photoshopped, right? I mean, why go to all that trouble building the car and then put on the worst example of flames ever painted on a car?
Ya can’t argue with Abe when it comes to automobiles. He knew his shit.
I’d say the “doors” are the only doors on a car, so it’s either a two door or a four door....although I drive a Kia Rio5, which is named that because they call the hatch the 5th door, so I don’t know.
Why did old Japanese cars have their side view mirrors mounted on the hood?
I love the idea of gullwing doors, but if there’s snow on the roof of your car won’t you get a lot of snow inside of your car when you open the doors?
I just finished it and it was a pretty good book! Thanks again for the suggestion—and I thought that I knew the ending since you said it was a “pilot letting his kid fly the plane” and I assumed that it was an 8 year old who caused a crash, so the ending was still a surprise for me.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve got nothing to do today so I went to my local libarary and checked it out. I’m a few pages into it and it’s pretty good so far, and it doesn’t seem like knowing how it crashed will detract very much from it since it’s so fast-moving.