
This is common why not obey every single command that comes from the cops? It's also common knowledge that every single bad action by every single black person reflects on the entire black community, so maybe no more looting when you should be peacefully protesting?

I'm sure that it's real, but Gambletron 2000 is the fakest sounding name ever. It sounds like some kind of scam, and 2000 isn't even the future anymore. Weird.

Yeah, that sounded more like an anti-union or anti-teachers comment than a true story. When I was in school we'd get a list of the supplies that we'd need when we enrolled, and the only things that the school provided were the textbooks, desks, chairs, and other supplies/furniture that were reused year after year.

A third level lawyer from the MLBPA would be too smart and independent for the NBPA.

You'd think that NBA teams would just hire a professional driver for each of their players. It wouldn't cost very much and they'd avoid situations like this.

Five minutes after the israelis start bulldozing Palestinian homes.

How is it possible to achieve a peaceful solution to a conflict where "Participant B" has their land stolen by "Participant A" and "Participant A" continues to steal more land?

That's a very good comparison, and it's sad that most people choose not to empathize with the Palestinian people.

You'd think that Hollywood would have realized that we're on to that trick by now, but apparently they haven't. Advertising can hurt you as much as it can help you.

This will be great for my mom. She can't drink American red wines because of something that's added to them, so she'll get a lot of use out of this app.

My hairbrush is disgustingly clogged up with fuzz from my towels and I don't want to throw it away or bother with using an x-acto knife or small scissors to get rid of it, so I'm going to give this a try.

I wonder how well this would work with marijuana seeds? Not that I have any, but it would be fun to make some marijuana seed balls and throw them into flower beds on the property of police stations and other government agencies.

The plaintiff wants to look as bad as possible during a trial.

Nobody's posted the original .gif yet? I'm disappointed.

Whatever. Bully breeds should not be allowed to exist. There's no reason for them other than for losers to try to look like they're cool. I don't care if you know thousands of "nice" pit bulls, they're an attack waiting to happen.

You gun-nuts just LOVE to bring up "assault weapons" whenever you can, huh? You gun-nuts are also WONDERFUL at completely missing the point. And since you missed the point—the point is that if a Golden Retriever bites it'll be a quick nip and that's it, but if a "bully breed" bites it'll keep biting and biting until

Use Hauppage WinTV to stream broadcast tv to your computer (or cable or satellite if you subscribe). I installed a 2250 in my desktop computer and I use Windows Media Center to watch tv, but you can also use the included WinTV7 to watch.

I'd like to see some non-traditional mice (mouses?) because toward the end of the work day my wrist gets sore from using a mouse (I think the problem is from using the scroll wheel too much).

It's controversial because billions have been wasted on it and it will never work.

These companies are humoring the bitcoin fanboys by accepting their internet Monopoly money, but they get rid of bitcoins in exchange for real money as soon as possible.