
If you've seen Manchester By the Sea, Kenny Lonergan made a cameo as the jerk on the street who berates Casey Affleck's character for being a bad parent. As Casey and his nephew are walking down the street arguing about something, Kenny passes them and says "Nice parenting," then turns and gets into an argument with

If this is what Kenny Lonergan does just a week after winning an Oscar, imagine what he would have done if he hadn't won? Now the story has gone viral, and Casey Affleck's name is popping up all over social media along with his sexual harassment allegations. This is how you turn millions of dollars of goodwill and

Ok, so who hasn't drunk-dialed the President-elect at least once in their life?

Sorry SNL but every time we have a week full of Donald Trump doing historically bizarre things as President, and then Alec Baldwin doesn't show up, it feels like there is a big hole in the heart of the show. We are living through history: Trump is giving you so much material you should pay him for his contributions.

Winning the Oscar may be the worst thing that could have happenned; had Casey lost it there would have been some sympathy for him, but now there is a backlash. The problem with winning an Oscar is that it creates more scrutiny of the winner, and the last thing that Casey Affleck wants is more scrutiny.

In order to demonstrate how seriously he feels about sexual abuse, Casey Affleck's next project will be a movie called "Mattress Girl," to be directed by Roman Polanski and starring Bill Cosby.

Don't tell me that Carrie Mathison is the only former CIA agent living in a New York brownstone who doesn't have a either panic room or video security system? She seems a bit light on prep for the inevitable crisis, and is working without much backup right now, sitting there in the dark by Franny's bed with a gun. I

"FAKE AWARDS! How can you trust the Democrats with an election when they can't even handle an awards ceremony? SAD!"

Jill Stein is demanding a recount right now.

Obviously Bonnie and Clyde had one last robbery left in them.

Milo is a self-hating gay who lashes out at gays and transgendered people with the most bigoted statements possble. Donald Trump has Jewish family members, but can't bring himself to mention Jews on Holocaust rememberance Day. Mussolini had a Jewish mistress, but supported some of the most anti-Semitic acts in

I think this entire analysis misses the point. We all wanted to see Bill Maher dismantle a guy that Maher would describe as a "whiny little bitch." Instead, Maher teed up the interview by calling him "Bruno" and then gave Milo enough rope to hang himself with, which he did. Destroying Milo verbally would have been

Fake news? Says who? Sweden? It's obvious that the Swedish population is suffering from a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.

The build up so far has been so slow that I have to believe that a major event is about to happen. Spoiler alert: Saul gets kidnapped in Dubai. He was sent there on Carries recommendation. I wouldn't be surprised if this time he doesn't make it out alive. If Homeland can't start to kill off its own main characters

But Noah's an artist, like Furkat, who can't control his own passions, at least according to Whitney. Which is why Noah should have punched FurKat in the nose. The Affair never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunty.

They did the time jump to give Noah a happy endng, and the last thing Noah needs is another happy ending. This season Noah screwed Helen, Alison and SexFrench, and Helen screwed Noah, Max and Vic. Together they both screwed over their children, each other, and everyone they were close to, yet here we are on Christmas

Exactly, how is Noah jetting around the world and living in Paris if he's still on parole? And as for Noah being redeemed, how is he banging Professor SexFrench up against her front door when her husband just died? That scene made me sick.

In the process of letting Noah off the hook so easily, The Affair instead hooked a great white shark with a bad case of Alzheimers. It almost made me forget why I even watch the show. Last week's episode answered so many questions, including who stabbed Noah (we knew it was him all along, but he didn't know until last

This is a truly enjoyable and at times completely wonderful movie, but you will only completely enjoy it if you do not try to pigeonhole and compare it to all the great musicals that have come before it. This isn't West Side Story, it's West Coast Story, where everyone is pursuing their dreams, but like the movies

Well that explains the opening theme song: