I bet that Virgil and his white surveillance van aren't far behind.
I bet that Virgil and his white surveillance van aren't far behind.
Brendan Fraser, first winner of the AV Club Good Cop/Bad Cop Award.
FurKat is more pointless, but since I see both he and Professor SexFrench are in the finale it's a tossup between the two of them.
Maybe next week we will get to see it from the panic room's POV.
Me too. But I thought panic rooms locked from the inside?
Helen: I'm a lying, deceitful, no-good person who killed someone in a hit and run accident. I let my ex-husband Noah take the blame for it. I lied to you, my parents and my children about it and I let Noah go to jail because I'm a coward. Plus, he owed me a favor anyway since he had an affair that ruined our marriage.
The show opened a closeup of a baby's big puffy ass. Talk about being just a bit too on the nose.
Now we know why Trump is so obsessed with that trade agreement known as the Tee Pee Pee.
…however, a digital version of Carrie Fisher will be featured in the upcoming Michael Jackson Lifetime TV movie, where she will be making a brief cameo appearance as Latoya Jackson.
Exactly. Vic has no moral authority here. He was Helen's son's doctor and now he's screwing his client! How would you feel if your mommy was sleeping with your doctor? Once again Helen gets a pass for her questionable behavior.
In this, the Golden Age of Television, Showtime gives us The Affair, The Golden Shower of Television.
L'Affair, season 4, set entirely in Paris, in French, with subtitles, filmed in 35MM in glorious sepia-toned black and white. Staring Professor SexFrench as The Muse, Helen of Troy as The Martyr, and Noah, as the man without an ark drowning in a sea of tears, with a special guest appearance by The Existential Smoke…
How about Sharknado: The Jumpocalypse?
You're still watching The Affair because:
I think Noah is already dead and everything we are seeing is his life flashing before his eyes.
If you rearrange the letters in the name, FurKat is RatFuk. See, there are hidden meanings everywhere. At this point, I dont gove a RatFuk what happens to Noah anymore.
They were both drinking—remember Noah was at the bar downing vodka when Helen met up with him, then they go top the beach and drink a bottle of wine before skinny dipping. Helen told Noah she was too drunk to drive, and shouldn't drive since she already had a DUI, then they switched down the road in the fog once Noah…
When so many viewers are so fed up with the whole Noah/Helen storyline that a murder/suicide would be a welcome season ending, you know you have problems.
At this point, The Affair is getting as lost as Lost. Hopefully they will right the ship before the smoke monster starts attacking Noah.
What a trainwreck, of a show and of these deeply troubled people. And I knew that Vic's cactus was going to cause trouble. Bye Vic, you were much too good for Helen, or at least you were too honest. Narcissistics like Noah and Helen are not honest with themselves or with others. They will do just fine being miserable…