
$100 on Wun Wun and Done Done.

Actually, no. A leaked set photo shows a scene being shot in Mereen in Ep 9. So both the Battle of the Bastards AND Mereen are in this week's episode. Plus it wouldn't make much sense to delay Mereen for another week while it is being decimated by an attack from the sea.

Wait, a huge battle is already underway in Mereen, and there are no odds for anyone involved in the attack over there? At least Grey Worm should be in at 10-1 since he may see some fighting action, but I guess everyone thinks the dragons will just burn all of the master's ships and then the Dothrakis will come

I he dies, he's Wun and done.

A girl should never bring a knife to a sword fight.
— Arya Stark

Jaqen liked Arya so much he first refused to admit her to the house of Black and White, then he made her give up her identity and sword, then he blinded her when she took revenge on Meryn Trant, then he made her live in the street, then let her get beat to a pulp over and over again by the Waif, then ordered her to

I bet the Waif didn't see that coming.

Apparently most Starks can get stabbed in the abdomen and survive, even without Melisandre's magic. I know that's hard to stomach, but that's just a Stark reality.

Here's the better ending: Arya kills Jaqen, steals his face, and becomes No One. Arya needed to kill Jaqen because he cannot be trusted, much less understood. If left alive he can still send assassins after her. Arya would continue her journey in disguise and get revenge on the sadistic master who basically just

" …who writes this fucking garbage? Who?"

Great episode. This week's deadpool winners included a few fan favorites that weren't included in the deadpool:

Just bet it all on RickGone and you're all good

This is the week when all the evil, mindless true believers finally get their judgement day:
Dany returns to Mereen and users Drogon to flame broil the Harpys
Lancel the zealot becomes LancelNot when he literally loses his head over his religion
The Waif finally meets her match and loses face, literally
The Hound starts

I bet it's the Mad Kings head, so Dany will get to kill her own father.

Since more people are returning lately rather than dying off, I predict that Gendry will return while riding Dany's missing horse, being followed by Ramsey's missing hunting dogs, accompanied by the Russian who went missing in The Sopranos "Pine Barrens" episode, and all of them are being chased by The Hound. It's

I think the plot point about Arya not wanting to kill the actress playing Cersei is one of the most important of the season. Arya is one of the few characters distinguishing between what is true and what are just false stories told to others to gain power. Arya realizes that the actress playing Cersei who she admires

Why wasn't Cersei losing her mind that Tommen has just teamed up with Margaery and the High Sparrow? Her plan unraveled and her own son deceived her. Now Margaery is off the hook, Jamie is being sent away, and she still faces a trial. Cersei was much too calm given the circumstances, she must have polished off a case

Also: Arya will refuse to kill the actress. Instead she will kill the Waif, retrieve Needle and get on the first ship out of Braavos, which is probably how she will reunite with Theon, who is now also at sea.

You apparently missed that scene where Cersei tells Tywin that the incest rumors about her relationship with Jamie are true, and that his whole bloodline is a fraud. Cersei then threatens to announce the truth to the world if he makes her leave Kings Landing. Even her own father didn't want to believe it, so I

It's time for Septa Unella to go, her time has come.